@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Donovan Mitchell turns his ankle looking for a quick score while Draymond is called for the foul

[Highlight] Donovan Mitchell turns his ankle looking for a quick score while Draymond is called for the foul

by JilJungJukk


  1. aiden3buckets

    Yikes didn’t look good, but why tf is that a foul?

  2. blarsha31

    but the refs are biased for us…riiiight

    hope he’s alright though

  3. Unsuccessful challenge? Refs literally cannot admit they’re wrong. Wow.

  4. eugenesbluegenes

    How was that not overturned on challenge?

    I get missing out in real time, but with a replay I just don’t get that call at all.

  5. Level_Ad_6372

    Warriors getting absolutely fucked by the refs in the 4th quarter lol

  6. BatmanButShak

    refs been on this shit all game. amazing Curry ruined their mob mission lmao

  7. Nightzey

    They looked at this and still called it a foul? lol

  8. BootStrapWill

    People are gonna watch this replay and not know the refs have been making calls like this for the entire 4th quarter

  9. These refs are crazy. Even after the challenge, wtf is the point of the challenge if the refs don’t even want to change an obvious call.

  10. StacksOfRubberBands

    It’s not even REFS it’s that single ref. Some of the calls the crowd reacted too we’re fine, but holy fuck that is suspect. Half court ref, dmitch falls and he just assumes dray fouled him. Insane

  11. neilbiggie

    Absolutely wild this didn’t get overturned

  12. Snow_Administrative

    That call is scandalous. Only explanation is corruption

  13. sumchinesewill

    He didn’t even call the foul until he saw Mitchell rolling on the court LOL.

  14. hahahoha

    how can they looked at the replay and still say its a foul

  15. jeff2def

    What do you know, he got it from fuckin David Guthrie who’s been calling everything against Warriors the whole night, from across the court lol. Even after replay he said he was right from incidental contact a full 2 seconds before the whistle blew hahah

  16. lilachocolate

    Nah I hate the warriors but these refs might be the worst I’ve ever seen

  17. I’m not one to harp on the officiating. They generally get 90% of calls right in a game that is extremely difficult to officiate, and the constant complaining is one of my least favorite things about /r/nba.

    The refs have been absolute dogshit tonight

  18. Parenegade

    what the fuck is that lmao

    what kind of “foul” are they seeing her i rewatched it 4 times

  19. Greedy_Librarian_983

    This call is ridiculous and it became hilarious after unsuccessful challenge. I mean wtf dudes, the refs made it so clear it’s rigged they don’t even hide it

  20. Divine_concept2999

    Honestly I don’t like to complain much about refs but this was one of the most head scratching reffed games i have ever seen.

    The fact it all went one way makes me think if there qas ever point shaving going on. It was tonight.

  21. DesignAsleep9899

    That’s clearly a foul dray used his telekinesis to roll mitchell’s ankle

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