@Los Angeles Lakers

I mean this should be enough for the FO to push for a trade right??

I mean this should be enough for the FO to push for a trade right??

by mobuckets21


  1. ForeverDenGal

    I feel like they might be coming to realize that they are so bad that trading those picks won’t even make them much better.

  2. paradauxs

    shouldve made the trade before the season started. shot ourselves in the foot again. FO sucks ass

  3. JayCrenshaw

    Jeanie Buss ran this franchise into the ground.


    It’s crazy how they haven’t done anything yet. At least waive some dead weights on this roster and sign a Center and a wing.

  5. lakerskid2021

    This is more reason not to trade the picks

  6. Mark-E-Moon

    I’m not giving that org one more dime as long as Jeannie is running it. She has literally destroyed everything her dad built.

  7. Good thing they fired the last coach. Can you just imagine how much worse it would have been with him? /s

  8. Zeetheking1

    Lol buckle up buddy. It’s gonna be a rough ride.

  9. Xc0liber

    We gotta overhaul the entire roster. Which team in the league would trade with us?

  10. _mattyjoe

    I don’t get why everyone wants a trade, besides the fact that you just want something to happen.

    Those are our 2027 and 2029 first round picks. Do you realize how far that sets the organization back?

    You’re all complaining that the front office hasn’t invested in the future enough, and now you want them to trade away some of the last assets we have in a panic move to rescue a terrible season, which may still be terrible even after doing something.

    The front office shouldn’t do anything. That’s what you should be rooting for if you don’t want 10 years of this.

  11. AntSmith777

    No point now. If we make a trade we should be sellers not buyers.

  12. HenryGrosmont

    Why? To be 4-8 or 5-7 in the next 12 games? And -85 point differential? Please, somebody explain this to me.

  13. gleophas

    This is perfect for the FO… just say the season is gone and there’s no point in making trades..sneaky fuckers

  14. CommercialAsparagus

    This is around the time Kobe would start dragging the teams to a win and demanding more practice time from others 🥹

  15. airjord1221

    You gotta part ways with not only rus but AD or bron.

    AD still has value flip him for the future. we got a chip out of him but he’s not gonna do much more anymore especially without supporting players and an aging lebron.

    Blow it up. We’re 2-10 with 3 hall of gamers

  16. Juiceonfire

    Lakers will be lucky to win 10 games. Ham was another bad hire. And this entire team needs to be blown up and started over. No one on this roster is worth keeping

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