@Los Angeles Lakers

This guy played his heart out. Respect

This guy played his heart out. Respect

by ThisAnswerIsLit


  1. LethalKoalaz

    The hustle during the loose ball is what we need from him.

  2. davensdad

    Terrible free throws but darn he played well otherwise. Flawless almost.

  3. mightyrj

    That dive to get the 50/50 ball that ended up going to Bron will not show up in the box score whatsoever but that was what won the game.

  4. JesusDaBeast

    Best Russ performance of the year so far IMO

  5. kevinccce

    what a dive late in the game. But the FT though. 😆

  6. That dive for the ball was his most important play of the season fr

  7. VeryBoredGaming

    He had 0 turnovers. Most impressive statline since being a Laker!

  8. CabbageStockExchange

    Him counting Giannis FT was funny as hell

  9. If Jrue had made that, this post would have turned the other way round lol

  10. BrokeHorcrux

    That’s why I think of he’s traded inevitably, we need his replacement. We didn’t lose leads even then LeBron sat, just because he played just as good as a playmaker. He’s too important, even if it doesn’t seem.

  11. mrpostman104

    Last minute or so encapsulates the Westbrook experience. So much heart and hustle to get that loose ball and then the pain of missing both free throws to ice the game lmao. But he still had a great game!

  12. The1AndOnlyJZ

    The hustle play at the end won us the game

  13. Consistent_Owl4593

    That dive for the ball won us the game the guy played his ass off this game

  14. kiboyski

    That dive on the floor was the key! It led to Lebron steal and AD dunk to put them up 5 for good

  15. Dribblewithjacob

    Wish he would’ve sunken one of those final free throws to put a bow on top of a great game. What amazing energy and assists. His hustle has never been the issue

  16. Teflon415

    He plays his heart out every night. It’s what he’s done his entire career. That’s why so many players have respect for him.

  17. gankedbyumma

    the 0 turnovers were absolutely crucial

  18. OmarBradley1940

    That hustle dive for the ball was amazing. Props to him today for that one 💪

  19. datboicrazy24

    WINNING basketball tonight from Russ. Wow that hustle for the loose ball was simply amazing.

  20. WhiteClawsNoLaws

    I think this is the first game where I saw more or less what I thought the best these three could do in one night

  21. Credit where credit is due, he played amazing, dishing great dimes all game

  22. normlrae

    that hustle play just saved him from being traded

  23. ZookeepergameOk3001

    Closed out with the squad- we need this shit on replay now

  24. _Mahomeboy15

    Fair fucking play. He’s proved me and many others wrong. Don’t want to see him get traded tbvh now

  25. ChillEggs

    For all his warts, I will never question WB’s effort. For better or worse, Russ always plays hard. And I respect that.

    That dive for the loose ball gave me Worthy vs the Celtics ’87 Finals vibe,

  26. Optimal-Priority-562

    i’m a bucks fan here. i also do like the lakers and want to see them succeed. the lakers look so TOUGH now it’s actually crazy. great duel between giannis and AD. middleton also was back and still getting into his rhythm of becoming better than mj. but still it was a great game and the lakers played incredible. i pray for a bucks lakers final

  27. imironman2018

    I didn’t even care he missed the two free throws. He won me over when he dove for that loose ball and gave the turnover to LeBron. It was a key moment that changed the momentum. Go Russ redemption tour.

  28. imironman2018

    The funniest thing is that the most important play Russ made won’t even show up on his stat line. That dive was amazing.

  29. BridgesOnB1kes

    Too bad playing your heart out only matters if you shoot well and aren’t washed.

  30. 909westcoast

    Man it feels good to watch some great laker basketball!

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