@National Basketball Association

Jayson Tatum in a loss to Miami: 14 points and 5 turnovers on 5-18 shooting

Rough night from the MVP candidate.

Also had 12 rebounds and 3 assists.



  1. Number333

    Didn’t even know he could miss with the way he cooked us last game

  2. Honest_Nets_Fan

    He’s not the MVP lol. If Curry or Luka had this game they would have lost by 40 before OT

  3. GenuineMasshole

    Yep. Couldn’t make a shot at the rim or from anywhere else on the court. Some of the TOs weren’t his fault but he just didn’t have it tonight.

  4. TheFatmanRises

    He shouldn’t have shot that three cost them the game.

  5. JoJonesy

    This is the worst he’s played all season and we still almost won. Not gonna worry about it, but, like… yeesh

  6. mr_antman85

    That RDCWorld skit looking spooky right now 👀👀😂

  7. Haters coming out in full for having a bad game.

  8. Brady331

    Refs put him (and half of the players on the court) in foul trouble early and he never found his rhythm

  9. kylapoos

    He had 3 iffy fouls in the first like 4 minutes and sat a long time.

  10. sivervipa

    You call it bad shooting i call elite heat culture defense to cope.

    Tomato tomato

  11. 3ThrowMerchant

    Celtics are so fucking stacked lol. Tatum can literally play like shit and they still have a chance but his main claim to MVP is gonna be team record 😹

  12. edmarcake

    Jaylen Brown should have taken that three.

  13. Time_Caterpillar1314

    Haters coming out in full force

  14. UntoldArgument

    KIA announces he’s no longer at the top of the mvp ladder

  15. SanSoren

    He got 2 fouls before 5 mins in and it just threw the game off. Mind you both fouls were as soft as they come. Refs think the fans come to see them

  16. EternalTeezy

    He always has a couple games like this a season

  17. schoolhater12

    Dude has 1 bad game, and the vultures pounce. Wasn’t there just a big post on here about the game by game obsession surrounding the MVP race being stupid

  18. igotnohoes69


    without JB, this game would have been a blowout. JB is not 2 to a 1. He’s a 1!

  19. HandsomeJack19

    For years, I’ve been saying that his ceiling is as high as any player in the NBA, but his floor is lower than most superstars. It’s happening less frequently this year than in years past but he is still prone to some severe clunkers like this one.

  20. Wentzsylvania13

    The fact that he can play this badly and his team still has a chance of winning is ridiculous.

    Nice luxury to have

  21. sh1teposter

    People here saying he should’ve deferred the shot haven’t played basketball in real life or benchwarmers. You take shots that you can make if you’re open especially if you are the star.

    Unless you’re Ben Simmons (though he is ballin for some games)

  22. HugoStick

    Luka wishes he could have a teammate that could go for 37/14/5. The best he’s getting is a 25 piece from another player, and that’s on their best night.

  23. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Heat-Celtics matchup never dissapoints

  24. Vivid-Mammoth-4161

    Down to 9th place in the MVP race

  25. Cosmic_Note

    He had a bad game, it happens to everyone

  26. saalamander

    Does the heat defense always look like that or was that a personal scouting report type of defense?

    Like super handsy and crazy ball pressure on any ball handler, and very aggressive lunges into passing lanes, and super aggressive help defense swatting and swiping at every ball

    That sort of defense really rattled the Celtics. That’s the best I’ve seen them defended all year, besides that that game a few days ago against the Heat in which they also used a pretty similar strategy.

    It was like that last year in the playoffs as well. Is that a special Celtics-stopping defense or is that just the heat’s defensive mantra in general?

    Either way that was a really impressive defensive performance. Spo is so good

  27. Hojie_Kadenth

    Saw his western conference finals opponents and brought his Finals game.

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