@Dallas Mavericks

Kendrick Perkins doesn’t understand why people would put Luka as a MVP favorite going into the season.

I don’t think he is that stupid and is going for something else but Zack Lowe handles it wonderfully 5:20 [\_rQY0](

by TJRossTX

1 Comment

  1. alabamajoker

    we are the only team that lost to 3 worst teams in NBA this season.

    ’nuff said

    He was too harsh but he w right: we took brunson (and to some extent KP) for granted. And he does need a 2nd star. But the rest I disagree with perk. Luka still should be top 3 for mvp, although the rest of the of squad is killing his MVP chances. If we won those easy games then fucking booker would not be POTM right now!

    also, it sucks we cant even have discussion about MVP anymore! I submited the post asbout POTM results (fuckiong booker got it over luka) to see what this sub thinks but mods deleted it.

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