@Los Angeles Lakers

All these posts about WB, and none for DS. He practically had the same but more efficient stat line (4pts, 8ast, 2stl, 2tov) while being paid vet min.

All these posts about WB, and none for DS. He practically had the same but more efficient stat line (4pts, 8ast, 2stl, 2tov) while being paid vet min.

by masterako


  1. Nice_Complaint_2602

    that’s a quiet 8 assists for me. I can’t recall a single assist besides the kickout to Walker

  2. 8 and 15 assists is a pretty big difference. plus not all assists are created equal

  3. Juaniscool-8

    Havent been impressed by Dennis but go off

  4. Agitated_Mind_92

    You mean the guy that rejected his $80 mil offer? Lmao

  5. Ianardo_Davinci

    That line up man..lost yards on that play coach.

  6. makethetradepelinka

    now that is what I call VALUE…

  7. Lou_lakes12

    Lakers should try and get cam reddish from the Knicks

  8. kanekikochaboggy

    Dennis is a starting quality player on a minimum contract. We got lucky with him wanting to come back

  9. AccomplishedEcho6725

    Westbrook is the best point guard and playmaker on the Lakers. He should be getting paid a bit less but nothing changes that fact, in all honesty taking off Westbrook and having DS run point guard isn’t the way to go. There isn’t a single thing Shroder does better than Westbrook and that’s just a fact.
    The only thing anyone can say about Westbrook right now is that his contract is too high. We are a guard heavy team so a trade putting Shroder, Nunn and TA for a wing and a center wouldn’t be a bad idea

  10. Afterloy

    Is his hairline photoshopped? That can’t be real, can it?

  11. WhyNotMosley

    they really have grown ass men calling him westbrick lmao… i’m crying 😂😂😂

  12. I swear, WB got as many appreciation posts as AD after the milwaukee game. It was a headscratcher. I get WB needs positivity, but c’mon, you still expect more for 47mil.

  13. NbaKOLeWorld

    I don’t see how having half the assists makes it “practically the same”

  14. nellywentdiamond

    Mans barber committed war crimes jfc

  15. Comprehensive_Ad_675

    Do we the support the lakers? Why tf u trying to make it a contest of who we shouldn’t or should support. Aikae alelo.

  16. General-2K-Browser

    OP is the biggest Russ hater alongside TradeWestbrick. Don’t put too much value in this post, it was made solely to throw quiet shade on Russ but he can’t be direct about it tonight because Lakers won

  17. earth-module

    Lol OP you are miserable. Great game from the whole team. What’s the purpose of this?

  18. -0Zero0-

    Man can y’all not just be happy we’re playing well

  19. Background-Sir5324


    I thought Lebron had the worst hair in the league. Who the fuck is this guy

  20. LDcostict

    I remember people talkin about his hairline was a one of the greatest NBA comebacks haha

  21. TorontoRaptors34

    He cool but a near tripple double with 15 assists is jus sexy

  22. Why the fuck is this post trending?


  23. Ok_Entrepreneur826

    That barber is getting paid vet min

  24. LakerPupper

    Oh c’mon… he’s vet min cause he was too tuff!

  25. kultureisrandy

    lmao why you do my man’s like that with the pic

  26. Ragnar_OK

    When westbrook plays poorly, you look at the negatives

    When westbrook plays well, you look at the negatives

    You people are deranged

  27. Background_Nature_32

    Surely Pelinka has trade Beverley and Nunn soon right

  28. Crapcicle6190

    Lmao our team won and everyone did pretty well, and you’re making it into a pissing contest?

    You need to go outside, touch grass, and just enjoy the win

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