@National Basketball Association

Luka Doncic gets a technical for yelling at his teammate (Powell).

Luka Doncic gets a technical for yelling at his teammate (Powell).

by cargyelo


  1. How dare he look at a ref and then address his team in such a flagrant manner.

  2. ScottSummersEyes

    referee had flashbacks from pickup and decided to take a stand against teammate-on-teammate bullying.

  3. IslandChillin

    Worst call I’ve seen in a while. Idk how you can even justify that as a ref

  4. cargyelo

    It seems he yelled “Come one guys, let’s go”.

    Link credit to u/nowhathappenedwas.

  5. StefonDiggsHS

    Just awful officiating all game. On both sides.

  6. tywaun12

    His reputation got him that call. I think every call should be judged individually not based on reputation.

  7. Even if he WAS talking to the ref that’s a fucking shit call, let alone his teammate jesus h christ

  8. McWhorter44

    its ok guys refs definitely dont bet on games anymore. theyre totally unbiased and fair

  9. What does it take for the League to start holding these refs accountable. If i am an owner, player, coach, or GM how can I not think some of these refs are fixing the game or something. Just way to many questionable calls are made way to often.

  10. shiny_lustrous_poo

    He’s looking at his teammate and tells him “Let’s go!”

    These refs too soft these days lol

  11. AestheticPenguinMan

    They need to start publicly disciplining these refs. Like this is suspension and fine worthy

  12. DaTingGoesSkrrrrrt

    If you look really closely you can see Dwight whispering to the ref asking for help

  13. ThePerfectCantelope

    They gotta do something bout these refs man. A big overhaul. The swamp needs drained

  14. justokayatbikes

    Nah this ref always sells. He’s in too deep now to change his ways.

  15. jojimbo_

    That ref is softer than a smores gooey marshmallow.

  16. Appropriate-Cap-4140

    Adam Silver come on, every week (almost every day even) there’s some bs with the refs, it’s gotten silly nowadays, this is supposed to be the “best basketball league in the world”, super embarrassing

  17. singh853

    The tech was probably for clapping, refs really don’t like that. But still a blatantly insecure move there. When will Silver and the league start taking a serious look at some of these refs?

  18. vsouto02

    This is a reputation call *AND* terrible officiating.

  19. Whereismymind3

    Why can’t they just huddle up and reverse the call? Obviously a misunderstanding. Just fix it and move on. Refs on a power trip right now.

  20. ibeauch009

    usually people get fired for sucking at their job. where’s the accountability??

  21. I_ama_Borat

    Even the other ref walked up and let him know the yell wasn’t directed towards him. I just don’t understand, when they make a mistake why can’t the refs just undo it? They always commit and make themselves look like asses…

  22. egarcia1313

    This happened to draymond and wiseman lol 2 years ago

  23. BillyBean11111

    In any reasonable world the ref would just tap his chest afterward, say my bad and announce inadvertent whistle.

    But this bravado of never admitting mistakes is just stupidity.

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