@Los Angeles Lakers

My heart can’t take anymore from these guys and everything that comes with them. I hope it’s their last game.

My heart can’t take anymore from these guys and everything that comes with them. I hope it’s their last game.

by AJ23R7


  1. WB wearing the number of contract offers he’s getting next year.

  2. JayRod24_

    LeBron, AD, and Reaves were on the floor and choked that lead & missed free throws you know that right lol.

  3. ThisAnswerIsLit

    No way we trade Dennis. As shitty as he is, someone needs to play point on or off the bench.

  4. isit65outsideor

    None of these guys have trade value. You can’t just trade zero value guys for playoff rotation players.

  5. shoelover46

    Westbrick makes $47 million while the other 3 make $20,891,682 combined.

  6. TorontoRaptors34

    Blame Russ when Bron was the one who blew the game. Russ played great in the 4th. It wasn’t his fault for the loss bro. The game shouldn’t have even been in OT. Sorry.

  7. corybekem

    Nunn really stole money 2 seasons in a row

  8. PenguinPrince1

    We really thought we had PG depth before the season started lmao

  9. How many time outs did we have up 13 points?

  10. JesusDaBeast

    How much as Nunn offered to this team? Nunn

    Bev you can go. Leadership and being a locker room guy doesn’t validate your contract, and besides we have more pressing issues that need to be addressed.

    Russ, I think we can all recognize and acknowledge your improvements this year. And while it’s great, it’s still not enough for this team. I really want it to work but this experiment has run its course.

    I’d keep DS, but only cause we need a backup point. He can offer that and at a vet min, I won’t really complain.

    I hope we go back to the 2020 model, and have Bron playing PG full time. Think we as a team would be more beneficial doing that.

  11. 500_NikeStacks

    Kendrick Nunn needs to be arrested. Immediately

  12. sausage_blue

    russ is hard to judge because of how he immediately throws away whatever good he does. feeds AD well and makes good passes but follows it up with poor shot selection and a turnover

  13. Cudois47

    Your knowledge of basketball is extremely limited if you think Westbrook was a problem.

  14. Immediate-Gap-9980

    I was saying for weeks so bad Schroder is, and dumb Laker fans were screaming and carrying on.

  15. ghoney04

    Rob pelinka really came into the season saying bev was our 3&D wing. Lol he really is comfortable after that extension

  16. bigbearenergy

    AD can’t make clutch free throws and that’s beyond disappointing!

  17. Russ helped a lot in this game. Way more than these other 3.

  18. drfrink85

    That Nunn tweet before the season about keeping that same energy…obviously he did not. Trash.

  19. Ok_Buy_3248

    I’m done with patbev and nunn

    Shroder… almost done with him

    Westbrook- sigh, just living with him. He shouldn’t be in position to take those 3s at end of games

  20. Darwin Ham be like this is my next starting lineup, and I’ll put bron at center

  21. Dismal_Committee_696

    Might as well sign Miles Bridges whats a felon compared to these basketball terrorists

  22. aminix89

    I miss Kuz, KCP, Green, Howard, and especially McGee. I fucking loved McGee on this team, and I miss his vlogs.

  23. Nunn is absolutely worthless. Bev is borderline worthless. I promise you, Max Christie can give you the same performance as Bev but he’s 6’6.

  24. RetroAndPalm

    Dennis and Pat Bev starting is literally killing us

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