@Dallas Mavericks

Luka ignores Dwight Powells high five and gives Mark Cuban the death stare

Luka ignores Dwight Powells high five and gives Mark Cuban the death stare

by DoncicsRoadTo200kg


  1. Active_Page_3886

    He has every right to be over this bullshit

  2. LogansGambit

    Love it. Crap starts at the top and flows down.

  3. CrankDatSpookyBoi

    Meh, doesn’t look as bad as the title made it out to be

  4. Active_Page_3886

    He deserves death stares from the entire roster.

    Dumb motherfucker really said “PeOpLe FoRgEt We HaVe FrAnK”

  5. TheChosenOne311

    Incredibly misleading, editorialized title. That’s Reddit for ya!

  6. Wow holy shit, inject this into my veins tbh. Hold Cubans ass to the goddamn fire. He is not Dirk and he will leave if you don’t get your shit together

  7. Simple_Wait_7286

    “I got what, 5 years left here?”

    We underestimate Luka when it comes to making implicit messages. He 100% is putting the pressure on Cuban/Nico and letting them know he won’t stand for mediocrity.

  8. pancakesontheweekend

    I support this. Don’t let the front office get away with wasting a season. Time for changes.

    Edit: I should clarify that I’m not like some of the idiots on this sub who want Luka to leave (???), I just think that as one of the best players in the league, he has the right to influence change on the roster.

  9. This season is the first time I have seen Luka taking his frustration out on his teammates since he started playing professional basketball. I can understand the frustration as it is easily the worst basketball roster he has played on since his professional debut under the worst coach he has ever played but it isn’t a pretty sight.

  10. Crazy-Monitor-6490

    Guys this guy is slightly biased he streams on YouTube, he has amazing streams and interacts with his chat, he also loves when people hype up Wiggins for some reason

  11. PuzzleheadedHost9

    Love it. I hope Cuban is shitting in his pants with that stare.

  12. gregallbright

    His body language was off all night. You can only carry a team so long before you get resentful

  13. papadondon

    this is trickle down economics in action, with cuban pissing at the top

  14. This is the first season where Luka is frustrated with his teammates. He was always frustrated when he didn’t play well or with the refs, but he almost never said anything to his teammates. This season it’s different, he’s yelling at his teammates more and gets frustrated when they do something stupid.

    Someone also noticed against OKC, that no one on Mavs bench celebrated Luka’s points. It’s probably nothing, but who knows. Luka is probably demanding more from his teammates now, but they just aren’t good enough

  15. Threshyyyyy

    It’s happening and i am all there for it.

  16. WalkerTejasRanger

    Cuban will end up letting him leave for nothing.

  17. Can’t wait for Cuban to go and like some more tweets about how Luka has help lmaooo

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