@Golden State Warriors

Lamb and Jerome had as much shots as the lotto 3

Lamb and Jerome had as much shots as the lotto 3

by MillyMan105


  1. Ok-Contribution19

    I thought Ty Jerome was supposed to be able to help run the offense. Dude tunnel visions so hard and kills the momentum.

  2. livecents84

    Kerr trusts these dudes more than the youngsters… yikes… not looking good for this season. I’m still cringing from a few games ago when Curry was standing at the top of the circle for a wide open 3 clapping for the ball and Lamb ignored him and passed to the strong side that was already crowded near the baseline…

  3. sprinkles5000

    Bingo. You nailed it. Ty Jerome runs zero plays. Lamb the other night clearly missed a very open curry who was clapping at him. Give the rock to Dante.

  4. Kdog122025

    Steve Kerr’s white whale is the third string PG who can run an offense.

  5. Ahrilicious

    But apparently to some ‘ty jerome stans’ he played a nice game and teams are salivating to have a backup point guard like him.

  6. SnooLobsters1259

    I don’t understand Kerr. You have Poole and DDV. Just make sure one is on the court for 48 minutes and you don’t need to play Jerome. What is Kerr’s deal?

  7. BarrySnowbama

    Jerome not finding Wiseman alone under the basket in transition was outrageous.

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