@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] JR Swish is given a warm welcome by the Cleveland Cavaliers

[Highlight] JR Swish is given a warm welcome by the Cleveland Cavaliers

by JilJungJukk


  1. GGJallDAY

    JR is awesome now that he’s not costing LeBron chances at rings.

  2. JackDangerUSPIS

    That is clearly an imposter, JR hasn’t worn a shirt since June 2016

  3. UrbanJatt

    Lmao I love how moondog tells Jr to keep his shirt on

  4. If 11 players came down food poisoning at the half could he suit up like an emergency goalie?

  5. roroboat33

    What an unexpected thing to happen on Free Cup o’ Soup night

  6. colocasi4

    Lebron wants nothing to do with him. LOL

    Hope JR is maintaining a good GPA in school

  7. Putuinurplace

    We don’t win a title without him. Love JR

  8. DeathsIntent96

    Nice to hear Carr shout him out for those eight points right at the start of the second half in Game 7. That was an important stretch that doesn’t get enough credit.

  9. lisbon_OH

    Man can he still suit up? We need shooters bad lol.

  10. Iamtomcruisehi

    jr Smith has the greatest non all star highlight reel of all time

  11. Swiggity53

    Honestly JR has had his moments but deserves a lot of respect. Dude has some of the best Dunks in his Nuggets and Knick days. The finals mistake deservedly left a mark on his career but he was far from being a bad player.

  12. illsteyria777

    Nuggets J.R was a sight to see glad he’ll get remembered from the Cavs stint good and bad lol

  13. JOMO_Kenyatta

    He’s already sitting down like a tall old guy

  14. bootysensei

    Lmao miss this guy. I’ll never forget when he was untying players shoes at the free throw line

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