@Los Angeles Lakers

Dave McMenamin on Anthony Davis: “He’s not wearing a boot on the foot currently. Right now, I’m told the team is continuing to seek second opinion, third opinion in order to figure out a course of action to get his foot right.”

Dave McMenamin on Anthony Davis: “He’s not wearing a boot on the foot currently. Right now, I’m told the team is continuing to seek second opinion, third opinion in order to figure out a course of action to get his foot right.”

by WestVirginiaFan15


  1. blacPanther55

    Seems like AD is in denial and does not want to accept the bad news.

  2. sleeplessrevolution

    Relax people AD is just having a foot spa. It’s no use playing anymore, this is part of ‘punting the season’ order from the FO because the feisty Lebron won’t cooperate. Now without AD, he won’t have a choice anymore.

    They also got to Ham explaining for them the importance of being cheap to the players and to the public recently, so don’t be surprised if it’s also Ham via FO that convinced Lebron and Westbrook to rest more, just keep on resting to prevent injury, but they don’t know it’s a disguise part of the FO plan on giving up the whole season.

    Source: TMB

  3. nykezztv

    He’s probably not wearing a boot because it’s makes a trade even harder for the FO. Teams would know AD is hurt seriously and would take advantage of that.


    The injury isn’t as serious as the media says.


    The dude just don’t wanna wear a boot

  4. InsiderRDA

    I tweeted this on RDA and ill say it again. This is the truth.

    “The potential of AD getting surgery and missing the the rest of season is a possibility. Lakers hoping to avoid this. “

    Reason why we hear no news, because its a complicated injury and if not taken best measures, it can have long lasting effect. Lets hope its not.

  5. Is my memory fuzzy or did AD return to play after the initial injury?

    I might be confusing that with Reaves coming back twice.

  6. AnotherAccount4This

    I’m assuming the top tier doctors in the field are all on vacations now. If not, how on earth have him and the Lakers not gotten all the opinions from all the top orthopedists around the world by now??

  7. LeagueReddit00

    Hopefully they aren’t just looking for something that they want to hear.

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