@Golden State Warriors

Wiseman 4/7 +1. LaMelo 7/25 -2.

Wiseman was more efficient and played better defense than Lamelo. Wiseman would be a 20 and 10 guy on a lottery team like the Hornets or Pistons.


by GameHHH


  1. GanacheOld4125

    Wiseman šŸ’Ŗ He is getting there.

  2. Klonomania

    I just can’t with you Wiseman truthers anymore. We have in the same game on our team an example of what an *actually* talented youngster with potential looks like and has the same young player dominate in the clutch and yet you try to bring up a debate all but the most divorced from reality already consider over with a guy who played 10 minutes and filled minimum requirements in them.

  3. AJGreenl

    Turning the tables on the plus minus crowd I see

  4. tkhaonme

    Lol I love the positivity but pretty sure he was outplayed by a rookie Mark Williams making just his 5th NBA appearance. Still has a lot of growing/improving to do, and Iā€™d imagine he will head back down to the g-league for abit once JMG is back.

  5. SCalifornia831

    Ignore Wiseman for a secondā€¦LaMelo is not a guy that would fit with Kerr and his coaching style.

    Casuals can talk their shit but I guarantee Wiseman, Kuminga and Moody will play a winning style of basketball throughout their careers.

  6. Kdog122025

    Wiseman gave the Warriors life in the third. His assist to Klay ended the 3 point cold streak. Heā€™s starting to figure out how to earn backup minutes and his teammates are starting to learn how to play with him. Ty Jerome even threw him a lob!

  7. neo9027581673

    Wiseman is easily a 20-10 guy on most teams. For the Warriors, heā€™s slowly figuring out how to function in probably the most complex offense and defense in the league for a big man. For the most part heā€™s looked really bad, but the last 3-games it looks like the light-bulb has turned on. šŸ’”

  8. GeniusofLoveMrTom

    As soon as he got in the game he made a difference again, that’s huge. He’s got two more problems I think he can get down by the playoffs that’ll earn him trust with Kerr that Kuminga took a while to learn. When to look for his teammates and when to get his shot, and not completely leaving his defender in pick n rolls unless he knows there is help. Two things that’ll take this incredible talent from g league to playoff ready. He can already do the other stuff if you’ve been watching we just gotta let him iron out the wrinkles.

  9. Roythaboy

    What stuck out to me was how much better he is than plumlee. Every time he got stuck guarding Poole he almost died. And gahh that shooting motion! Gives me hope, or more like keeps my dwindling hope aliveā€¦

  10. Thebasedgod_lilb

    Lmao check out LaMelo’s other games and his all star appearance last year as a replacement. The copium in here is strong as fuck

    Edit: my bad it’s the Warriors sub. You need to hate on Morant and LaMelo and be delusional.

  11. BigPapaPickleParty

    Loving watching Wiseman lately. The last 3 games he has looked a lot better.

    A bit of a cherry picked stat tho. Wiseman played 10 min vs Lameloā€™s 35 min. Either way.. great stuff from him

  12. george_costanza1234

    Why do yā€™all make these posts lol, it just invites the haters šŸ˜‚

    Wiseman was solid today. I thought he had some of the best plays of his career in todayā€™s game.

    Itā€™s all about that consistency though.

  13. Flexisdaman

    Lamelo is very talented, still a bit raw. Heā€™s a much better player than Wiseman and thatā€™s not even debatable at this point in their careers.

  14. EffinCroissant

    Anyone who thinks a Lamelo wouldnā€™t thrive on this team is delusional lmao. 38% on 11 attempts from 3 a game. Great rebounder, elite playmaker, and better defender then Poole(not much of a feat there). Obviously shouldā€™ve picked Lamelo looking back and comparing him to a bust in Wiseman using single game +/- is disrespectful.

  15. Rugrats-theme-song

    You canā€™t compare box score +/- of a back up Center to a starting PG on a bad team

  16. RainingCurry

    Wiseman’s energy changed the game when he entered in Q3… that layup from the PnR had me going “Noooo don’t try to dunk that…..oh SHIT” real quick!

    He had a couple of oops moments offensively this time, taking a poor early midranger and a very poor spin attempt to TO, but I don’t remember any major defensive lapses. Keep it rollin big fella!

    I dunno if it’s previously been done, but I want to nominate Wise’s nickname to be the real “Big Aristotle”, like Shaq can’t spare a few 100 nicknames. This should hopefully be self-explanatory.

  17. Wiseman hasn’t shown enough for a number 2 pick. I believe the warriors don’t really play with a traditional center and they should have used the pick for guys who could be part of their future. I hope I am wrong but I think Poole, Kuminga and PBJ are more likely to be the next core of this franchise. Moody is a solid role player. I am not sure if this team can develop an elite center.

  18. If we drafted LaMelo, Poole would be stuck at the G-League or playing somewhere else.

  19. rnbecker

    I still think Kerr needs to give him more minutes. His defense looks much improved, he doesnā€™t jump to fast which reminds me of looney and he instantly made a difference in the game. If we want him in the playoffs he needs more minutes. I guess he will get there just frustrating as a fan

  20. Nalicar52

    Iā€™m glad Wisenan played well and he did play better then LaMelo but there are two things to keep in mind.

    Centers are supposed to gm be more efficient pointwise since they get to score from the paint easier.

    LaMelo is the hornets volume shooter so he is more likely to have a more inefficient game.

  21. basketballsteven

    Reminds me of when people used to debate Andrew Luck and RG III especially after their first year rookie seasons, but the road is long, with many a turn, so IDK, both succeed, both fail, both are mediocre all possibilities are on the table. Let it play out.

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