@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Tensions flair up in Detroit as Wagner shoves Hayes into the chairs and Hayes retaliates

[Highlight] Tensions flair up in Detroit as Wagner shoves Hayes into the chairs and Hayes retaliates

by IveyDuren


  1. jonathanisaacisgoat

    What losing to the pistons does to a mf team

  2. RonnocFjord

    I think Hayes knocked him out lol. Also Coach Mose was not afraid to mix it up lmao

  3. mrwhite2323

    Cheap shot by both.

    Hayes is going to be suspended for that Punch to the back of the head

  4. Rerollife

    Hayes karate chopped him and knocked him out lol

  5. Most aggressive Killian has ever been on an NBA court lmao

  6. dugong07

    In no way condoning what Hayes did, but Wagner is a dirty player and I feel like this is bound to happen with him at times. Dude is constantly committing dirty plays.

  7. KingKoopaShell

    Mo might have been night night for a couple of seconds.

  8. GWB_Sparta

    Wagner, dirty player. Has been since college

  9. ryanswebdevthrowaway

    Bad boys are back baby hell yeah

  10. supreme_shoe41

    Man forget that. How tf are we losing by 19 to the Cade-less Pistons

  11. cooljackiex

    This guy needs to get fined lol. He consistently pisses people off

  12. darkest__timeline

    That was dirty af by Wagner. Fuck that

  13. myhellcatgotRepod

    Killian Hayes deserves a legacy all-star selection like D Wade and Dirk in 2019 for that

  14. WeathrNinja

    I’ve said this before but Mo Wagner is a jerk and a dirty player, has been for years. Hayes’ response here is unwarranted but Wagner should’ve known better.

    Mo does everything he can to get on his opponents nerves, and I still remember how the refs let him elbow guys because he had 4 fouls in the tournament against Louisville and they didn’t want him out of the game. Dude would throw an elbow, score, then stick his tongue out at you. Refs somehow didn’t care about anything he specifically did while calling the exact same stuff on other people.

  15. Best_Extent_411

    I think he got knocked out with that elbow to the back of the head. He went down immediately

  16. Aeronova20

    shit our entire bench is about to be suspended. put me in coach.

  17. Usual_Adhesiveness92

    Punch to the back aint even allowed in combat sports

  18. KyrieWetUpCurry_

    There’s other angles on Twitter and Wagner looks like he’s knocked out

  19. ScootUnmanley

    Getting dropped by Killian Hayes should result in banishment from the league

  20. GandalfTheBlack-

    Wagner a bitch, not even going for the ball just being an asshole smh

  21. DFWHomer

    I hate when guys do cheap shots then turn the other way and act like they didn’t do anything. Like, if you wanna instigate, at least look the guy in the eye when you do it

  22. Mo Wagner being a dirty player? Surely no one saw this coming

  23. Yugeky20

    Some of these comments are wild, y’all. The push is dangerous and unsportsmanlike, but a punch in the back of the head isn’t the correct response


    How the fuck did that punch knock Moe out lol?

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