@Los Angeles Lakers

[NBAStatGuy]: In 17 games since returning from injury, LeBron is putting up 30/8/6 on 52%fg. He has posted a +69 in those games while playing 36 minutes a night. The team has been -53 in the minutes he sat.

[NBAStatGuy]: In 17 games since returning from injury, LeBron is putting up 30/8/6 on 52%fg. He has posted a +69 in those games while playing 36 minutes a night. The team has been -53 in the minutes he sat.

by vahnjay


  1. PairedFoot08

    Get him help or get him outta here

    It’s embarrassing for the lakers to let this happen

  2. ___FreePalestine___

    Anyone still watching this team is a fool. Throw the whole season in the trash and check back in next year. If the front office doesn’t care about this team, why should you?

  3. Feels like that stat should be -153. Not fun to watch Westbrook and Bryant take turns getting bullied on defense or bricking shots

  4. Ranieboy

    We don’t even need to know this stats the eye test proves it every night.

  5. Fancy-Cream-3972

    This basketball terrorism to be wasting a great in his final years when he’s still producing at a high level.

  6. even ppl ik that hate Bron are feeling bad for how bad his roster is this year. Sucks to see

  7. Disgusting to do this to him after he signed the extension. We have the most unserious ownership and front office, when LBJ leaves it’ll only get darker.

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