

Download the Aurora games now! Let’s play Dragon and Tiger, Color game together and win!❤


  1. Coach jake huag mu hintayin player mu mgsabi kng dpt n clang palitan ikaw ang mag phase sa player mu ang dami mung player n pdeng gamitin…👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  2. Ang bilis ng tawag ng ref kapag mga dayo pero kapag hc tawag lahat eh kudos sa pheno

  3. Pansin ko lang hindi tlg tinatawag ng ref foul sa pheno ah pero bilib ako sa phena ang haba ng pasensiya nio grabe sana ma work out pa ung jump shot nio at Tira sa loob.

  4. 123… Jesus!!! Sold ang galing ng team. Na nonood ako bawat shot nyo napapa yes with feelings na gigil.. lalo na ung naka 3pts. Si kent napa sigaw ako nagising ung asawa ko natutulog na gulat sya ayun sambunot ang inabot ko haha.. solid ung performance ng lahat.. good job.

  5. John 14:6
    New King James Version
    6 Jesus said to him, “I am (A)the way, (B)the truth, and (C)the life. (D)No one comes to the Father (E)except through Me.

    *Did you know you’re part of the ultimate statistics, 10 out of 10 people die. One day your heart will stop beating and you will be dead! The Bible says you’ll then be judged by the holy and righteous God who created this universe.(Hebrew 9:27)You’ll be judged for every word, thought, and action in your life.(Matthew 12:36-37) Will you be innocent or guilty?

    *Let’s check the standard, the Ten Commandments. Have you ever lied (even a “white” lie)? (Revelation 21:8) Have you ever stolen anything (value is irrelevant and includes downloading or copying movies illegally)? If you’ve lusted, you’ve committed adultery in your heart. (Matthew 5:27-30) (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

    If you’ve hated someone, the Bible says you’re a murderer(1 John 3:15). If you’ve done any of these things, you will be guilty, and end up in Hell. God is perfect and He hates sin, but He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross to take the punishment you deserve. Then He rose from the graves after three days – defeating death. (Luke 24:46-48)

    Repent (turn from your sins) and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour to receive forgiveness and everlasting life afterlife here on earth without pain, suffering and death anymore (revelation 21:4) God cannot Lie He is holy, Righteous and just cannot tolerate Sin(Hebrew 6:18) if you don’t believe in God you are making God a liar. Think about it.

    Do you think God cannot preserve His words ? He created the heaven and the earth and the sea all living things here on earth including human.

    . Read the Bible to learn about God and how to live. (Acts 20:21)

    *Do God’s will, plan and purpose in your life; these are above and beyond, immeasurable compare to your grandest dream.

    * We obey God’s moral law the Ten Commandments because we love our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Ghost(John 14:15) (John 14:1-6) (John 14:16-26) (Mark 12:30-31) with all our heart, soul, mind and all our strength, and we believe and have faith in Him; also we Fear Him with reverence with deep respect.

    Job 28:28
    King James Version
    28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10
    New King James Version
    9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. (A)Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

    Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
    New King James Version
    13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:

    (A)Fear God and keep His commandments,
    For this is man’s all.
    14 For (B)God will bring every work into judgment,
    Including every secret thing,
    Whether good or evil.

    * Let’s seek the Lord and His face also His strength, power, wisdom and discernment in our daily lives.

    We need God’s help to overcome Sin in our lives. And live a holy life in the eyes of the Living God.

    God will help us if we seek Him diligently with all our heart, soul, mind and all our strength .

    Put on always the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)

    Philippians 4:13
    New King James Version
    13 I can do all things (A)through [a]Christ who strengthens me.

    Psalm 28:7
    New King James Version
    7 The Lord is (A)my strength and my shield;
    My heart (B)trusted in Him, and I am helped;
    Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
    And with my song I will praise Him.

    Acts 20:21
    King James Version
    21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God bless.

    Living water*

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