@New York Knicks

Historic performance by Donovan Mitchell

Historic performance by Donovan Mitchell

by deep_fried_cheese


  1. Broadway_Baller

    Fuck Danny Ainge

    But you know how it goes lolknicks.

    If we trade for him we “overpaid” and if we don’t, then we missed out on a superstar.

  2. _sexhaver

    Dam this guy might be worth trading RJ Barrett for

  3. cjackc11

    I was told he wasn’t a big enough star to trade for

  4. confuddly

    Imagine a Knick dropping 71 in MSG? Would be absolutely insane

  5. Grandmaster-1090

    Smfh. I just knew someone was going to post this.

  6. oh_no_the_claw

    You can’t trade the entire team away for one guy.

  7. baylixir

    Please tell me how Brunson/Spida/Cam/Randle/Mitch with no bench and picks is winning fucking anything holy shit use some common sense.

    They got to keep their 3 best players in the deal and still had significant depth, two things we wouldn’t have. Stop making yourselves miserable.

  8. MikeDarsh

    Not a Knick, no reason to be posted here. We didn’t get him, get over it.

  9. bibfortuna16

    the best part? he led Cavs on a big time comeback. Cavs were down 21pts. I can’t believe there’re bums here that said Spida is not a superstar 🤣

  10. We tried but couldn’t land him. We SHOULD be reminded of how incompetent our front office is.

  11. We legit passed up on this guy instead of giving them what they wanted, which didn’t even include RJ… We could of had Jalen, Mitch, RJ, Randle, Robinson… Hurts lol

  12. beepmeepwop

    Get this shit tf outta here. Move on get over it shit!!

  13. Chacochillin

    Cleveland didn’t have to gut their roster to land Spyda, and their players are better than ours

  14. GreenPopcornfkdkd

    Remember when this sub tried telling you he wasn’t a superstar. That RJ was better. Lmfao

  15. TracksuitBilly

    Awesome performance, but people need to get over this lol

  16. Frozen_Fire2478

    Could’ve had Brunson/DMitch/Grimes/Randle/Robinson starting lineup. Would be championship contenders. But nah we kept picks and two inefficient players, RJ and IQ. That’s way betterrrr

  17. Frozen_Fire2478

    Incoming people making up trade offers when the actual reported offers the Knicks turned down would’ve been good deals for the Knicks

  18. theamanx8

    It’s so painful knowing this FO shit the bed on this deal

  19. Oprahapproves

    We drafted Frank Ntilikina over Donovan Mitchell

  20. pagenotdisplayed

    Donovan Mitchell is one of my 5 favorite non Knicks in the NBA. I do wish we had him on our team.


    With that said, call me crazy but I still think the Knicks made the right move not trading for Mitchell. We are in a very good spot at the moment. If the season continues as it is going, and we finish say 44-38 with the 6 seed, we will be in a better position next summer to trade for a star.


    Mitchell fits like a glove around the Cavs other 3 top guys, no guarantee it is the same fit around Brunson and Randle. Grimes will almost certainly never be as good as Mitchell, but he does have all-defense and all-star potential and is on a rookie scale contract for the next 2.5 years. The Knicks are better off trading RJ + a pick haul for an all-star caliber wing (easier said than done), than they would have been trading RJ + Grimes + a pick haul for Mitchell.

  21. Some_Cringey_Random

    on the flip side, we no longer have the most embarrassing comeback loss this season

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