@Golden State Warriors

Get your shit together, JP.

Get your shit together, JP.

by 1-415-XXX-XXXX


  1. juswa1111

    We need dray to reset to factory setting him again.

  2. Scythe_Storm

    fuck this sub fuck this sub fuck this sub. the other comment on this is about having draymond punch jp again… SERIOUSLY? nah fuck you guys man what sorta fans are you?? yeah he fucked up bro ofc he did but y’all are so ungrateful u expect every player to just be fucking perfect from day one and when they make that mistake y’all ignore everything good theyve done.

    “we’re all sick of it get ur shit together” bro stfu i love this man I can’t wait for when he’s a superstar

  3. SuspendedResolution

    It’s frustrating that he fumbles, but he’s pulling moves that made him so effective in the playoffs last season and trying to make even crazier moves. I’m not going to fault him for trying to be the best Poole he can be. Once he gets his moves down solid, he’s going to go down in history as one of the best ball handlers we’ve ever seen.

  4. InfernoLinkZ

    Steph threw a back behind pass in game 7 of the 2016 at a crucial moment.. please stop

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