@Atlanta Hawks

Out of all the horrible things to happen to us this season (so far), this is by far the most embarrassing.

Out of all the horrible things to happen to us this season (so far), this is by far the most embarrassing.

by Chessh2036


  1. Eric___sal

    With no walker and reaves, this is nunn”s first game we’re he can take 10+ shot attempts, he usually goes like 0-5 or 1-5 lol so he was due

  2. DeAndreHunterMIP

    Thomas Bryant had a 17/19 double double against us last game too. We’re going to get the entire league max contracts stat padding against the basketball terrorism we’re committing night in and out.

  3. hawks-make-me-sad

    The Rockets collapse was still more embarrassing. That fourth quarter haunts me (and this team).

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