@Los Angeles Clippers

How the LA Clippers Lost Their 6th Straight Game

The Los Angeles Clippers are in their worst form of the season, having lost their last 6 games and this might have been their most devastating defeat yet. The struggling and reportedly dysfunctional Atlanta Hawks led by 16, later trailed by 11 in the 4th quarter, and eventually came back to beat the Clippers by 4.

How did the LA Clippers blow the game late? Just how bad is the situation they are in? In today’s episode, Host Darian Vaziri talks about why the loss is not solely on Ty Lue, adds some positives to take from the game, and more.

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  1. Happy they didn’t give Reggie 20+ minutes feels like every possession he waits till theirs 10 seconds on the shot clock to take a bad shot or make a bad pass

  2. So frustrating.
    Norm has a poor shooting game, and Mann starts the game dominating, and then gets sat down in H2.
    We needed a third 20+ scorer to go with Kawhi and Norm, or there just isn't enough point creation to compete. But we didn't even get Norm, or enough minutes for Mann down the stretch. He should have played 40+ minutes. Without PG and Luke's spacing and hitting 3s we HAVE to use more cuts and athleticism to get good looks!

    With no Capela, Zoob got great numbers and so did Moses (nearly two Dub-dubs for our Cs)…. but it did not matter.
    He got cooked over and over in P&R in Q4 and we lost a double-digit lead due to ATL getting easy points in the paint. Young was mostly ineffective until they went at Zoob.

    Too many bad habits that other teams can identify and exploit, even a dysfunctional Hawks.
    Fix 'em and fix 'em fast, or it's bust-city.

  3. Free John Wall. Start John Wall! Coach Lue should have been started the better PG. Wall is the best PG, Dog and Leader on this team. Give him the min’s and let him start. 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

    Its so funny how when John shoots bad thats all you hear about but when the Clipps favorites shoot like trash they get zero negativity? Interesting. 🤔

  4. Another horrible lineup of Wall-Reg-Norm-Mann-Brown. We’ve seen more than enough evidence that shows these 4 guard lineups don’t work. 3 guard lineups are bad too.

    Moses is only eligible for 21 more games due to his two way contract. If the Clips aren’t going to sign him then they might as well take him out of the rotation. I don’t think the Clips should sign him.

    The 1st unit should be: Mann, PG, Kawhi, Batum, & Zu. 2nd unit should be: Reg, Norm, Coffey, Mook, & Diabete. Use Wall/Roco/Luke to get a legit backup center.

  5. What escapes me is what Lue is trying to accomplish with these 3-guard lineups. What advantage does he think he can get?

    Why does needs so much "data" to show him it doesn't work?

    Why does he thinks it would be different than he did with Kennard, Reggie and Lou?

    Why do it in the first place?

  6. 3 guard rotation bridging the first and second quarter lost this. Went from up 8 to down 10+. Should have won this game by 15+. Absolutely terrible coaching decision.

  7. Okay, Okay, Okay everyone. Lets be honest here and put our finger on why the Clippers really lost this game. Darian, I'm "shocked" that you've over looked this my friend. The Clippers will never reach their full potential unless this gets fixed ASAP. I have been saying this for the past 2 – 3 seasons. Guys, the Clippers lost this game because they don't have a true point guard. Come on guys, you didn't see that, it was pretty evident throughout the game.

    Here's my proof. Guys, the Clippers started the game without a point guard on the floor. The Clippers also ended the game without a point guard on the floor. First, this speaks volumes when it comes to how the coaching staff views Reggie, and John. You mean to tell me that neither point guard on the roster is good enough to start and end games? GUYS! It was pretty evident in the closing minutes of the fourth quarter. You had T Mann and Kawhi bringing the ball up with T mann passing the ball to Kawhi just after or before crossing half court. NOOOOOO!!! At the end of the game a point guard has to "direct" Kawhi to his sweet mid range spot beneath the arc and outside of the paint. 😞….the continued to give Kawhi the ball outside of the arc if he wasn't brining the ball up in the closing minutes. NOOOOO guys, you can't do that.

    I thought the Clippers played a great game, they played with heart and passion. Turnovers happen, shot misses happen. The Clippers lost this game not because of Ty (Give me a break) but because Ty didn't have a true point guard out there to lead the offense. Your asking T mann and Kawhi to bring the all up in those situations, that's really foreign to those guys.

    Lastly 😂Reggie! OMG I was so happy to see him on the bench. I'm starting to wonder if there's something going on internally that we don't know about. I wonder if Reggie got wind of, if he wasn't told that he's being shopped. HE DIDN'T EVEN PLAY in the second half…not one second. That speaks volumes. I think that yes, if PG and Luke were there then we win that game, PG though he turns the ball over a lot; has better point guard skills than Reggie and John, that's just sad.

    IF the Clippers can bring this kind of effort on a nightly basis when we're fully healthy. I like our chances of getting to the number four spot in the west. I'll just pump the breaks right there. The Clippers need a point guard guys…a floor general.

  8. If we could ever EVER get healthy my starting lineup every night: PG, Kawhi, Kennard, Wall & Zubac. Killers at every position.

  9. Nice to see you on the locked on podcast. You do a much better job than the Kamenetzy brothers analyzing the game.

  10. Do you think the reason Kawhi and Morris went for the win, is because Kawhi would not have been allowed to play in the overtime, due to the amount of mins he already played?

  11. Agreed about Reggie, you and me spoke about him physically at the games before and neither of us ever trust him with the ball. Funny, I almost feel the same way with PG but he’s my guy. The sloppy TOs are becoming a staple of our team and I hate it. It’s habits that as a coach you have to mitigate. About Moses, he has a spring to his game that Zu doesn’t have and better hands I think. A couple of those Wall passes, Zu would never have caught in traffic. No big deal, every player is different and I’m a BIG Zu fan but facts are facts. Zu has a much better offensive package or should I say he has an offensive package!!😂

    I feel we lost by playing to ATLs strengths. If we have a size advantage and their biggest player is 6’9”, why are we playing a small 2-3 guard line up?? Last night would have been perfect for RoCo and Coffey.

    I believe we have the size to contest but a lack of effort on multiple attempts. We make one great effort and then take our foot off the gas as if that’s good enough. We rotate poorly on O’ and D’, BIG issue!!! Wall under threw the inbounds pass to Kawhi or was that Powell? Zu balled out with and his line was incredible. He gets no calls and if he did, players would have to stop playing so much D or at least no be as aggressive!! We gotta call it out. We don’t get calls. I’ve said this and you’ve said this. The across the hall team that also plays in Crypto, in a game the night before got some favorable calls to assist in their win. I don’t watch their shit but all media is saying it. We don’t get the same favorable calls. Trae goes to the hole, whistle are on automatic. Kawhi late in the game got a lay up and was hit in the back of his head, the refs swallowed the whistle. Everybody sees it but chooses to act like it’s not happening. Getting fouls is not always about making both FTs, sometimes it’s about making the other team lose defensive aggression.

    Sorry, I know this is a book. I had more to get off my chest but I’m gonna stop. I’ve gotta stop watching for a while. It’s too frustrating.

    Good show as always Bro’👍🏽

    Keep it up!!👊🏽

  12. still have no idea how the lakers blew this team out and didn’t have to play lebron mid way threw the 4th quarter especially sense the clippers have way better players then the lakers

  13. You left out the main part of what Coach said. "He it was a positive night for me" in reference to Klaw playing more mins. And looking a lot more solid. He mentioned Klaw right when he said "positive night" he even said it 2x's

  14. Time to panic! This can't continue. This team is really old and it shows. 6 losses in a row is unacceptable 😤

  15. Hopefully PG comes back soon and Mann or maybe Kennard will permanently replace Jackson in the starting lineup..
    And maybe we can get another solid big via trade soon.. Those are the things I wanted to happen for this year's Cliopers

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