@Los Angeles Lakers

So according to Eric Pincus, the Lakers are already saying they won’t trade picks if AD doesn’t come back in time

So according to Eric Pincus, the Lakers are already saying they won’t trade picks if AD doesn’t come back in time

by Hot_Pie1464


  1. blacPanther55

    This front office has a million and 1 excuses.

  2. percbandit

    Someone explain to this front office that you can make a deal for a core that you stick to for the next few years. It doesn’t have to be title or bust for this year.

  3. Dismal_Committee_696

    This is probably confirmed the last year of Lebron and AD if a deep playoff run isn’t the end result. Why not go all out when you can get picks back if you’ll have to trade them anyway?

  4. Even with AD out if this team had a few more good role players they’d be a T8 seed rn without a doubt

  5. kotakice

    Right now you ABSOLUTELY take the risks that you need to take. Lakers already mortgaged their entire future banking on another chip so it doesn’t matter. So many teams don’t take the final step and pussy out, and that’s not something we can afford to do with a 38 year old LeBron. Rest AD for extra time and MAKE MOVES.

  6. Hot_Pie1464

    I’m not watching a game until moves are made. Don’t wanna waste my energy either being pissed or hopeful when the FO clearly wants to end the bron/AD era asap

  7. spraypaint2311

    Like Jordan said – “The cubs have been rebuilding for 42 years.”

    There’s no guarantees that you will be good for a while (look at our years between Kobe & Shaq) and how FA’s looked the other way before Lebron. Heck Lebron came here for LA, if he wanted to live in NY then he would have gone there.

    Now this is all assuming this front office wants to win, maybe they just want to balance the books. Who the heck knows.

  8. MisterHibachi

    I honestly hate this front office, no joke. This is them essentially trying to rush AD back from a fucking stress injury. If he gets reinjured, the blame lies squarely with the front office.

  9. Linearization

    If the Hield and Turner trade had been made, you could just re-sign Turner and have the same core four next year. $30m of cap space next summer isn’t going to do shit – we’d probably need most of that to re-sign Reaves and Bryant anyways. If you also include Schröder in that, I don’t know if $30m is enough for all three.

    It’s clear they just want to save money, get out of the repeater tax, and then try to get lucky again next summer with some new minimums. At some point I hope LeBron goes public in hitting Jeanie / Rob – that’ll do an insane amount of damage free agent wise.

    Still some time left until the trade deadline and only 1-2 tiny trades have happened league wide, so just have to see what happens. I assume we will just do some fringe trade for Cam Reddish etc instead of making a major push to contend.

  10. PretendDubs

    So many deadlines so many stipulation the front office is trying so hard to justify not doing anything. It truly is their preferred option, season ends blame everything on injuries say it was out of their hands and that they would have made a move if they weren’t injured. Shit is really pathetic the Conference is there for the taking no team is scary the 5 seed is barely over 500 Lebron has shown he can play at an elite level, AD has shown he can play at an all world level. I don’t see how you wouldn’t want to make a deal. This team is a couple of wings/shooting away from contending with the best.

  11. Rapa_Nui

    Give them a decent center and 2 wings that can shoot and LeBron can lead them into a deep playoff run even without AD.

  12. vincevuu

    Bruh they’re just increasing the value of the picks. This is all part of LePlan.

  13. Bhill2k7

    This kind of thinking is why we’re in this position 🤦🏾‍♂️ thinking trades and making moves are just for this year…You make moves now to put the best product out on the floor ,not only this year but the next 2-3 years. Letting so much money expire to basically have like 35% of that this offseason (they could trade for up to 80 mill in returns vs 32-35 mill in the offseason in cap space ) is terrible asset management which what Rob is unfortunately known for

  14. TriggerHappy999

    Lakers FO have no intention to trade their First picks even in offseason. Media just created this news because it’s the lakers

  15. MisterKaJe

    They really need to keep the goalpost on one place. This is embarrassing

  16. Makaveli84

    You can’t trust ADs body to stay healthy, tragedy cause he’s a mega talent when healthy.

  17. nysraved

    Pincus is legit, but he’s clearly not actually reporting any news in this quote. This is just his own read of the situation.

    OP’s title is extremely misleading. But I guess anything to rile up the fans against the FO is easy karma (not saying they don’t deserve criticism, but it’s insane how pretty much every quote from anybody tangentially related to the NBA can get spun into “DaE JeAnIe/RoB bAd? UpDoOtS tO tHe LeFt”)

  18. audioaxes

    This has all been smoke and mirrors from the start. Jeanies marching orders to the FO has been get out repeater tax before anything else even if it means pissing off LeBron and Lakers fans. Everything else is just lies and excuses to hide this.

  19. ealdeleon23

    Isn’t this conjecture in Pincus behalf? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t trust the front office either.

  20. No one can trust any of these.

    If anything, they would be more likely to drop that they might trade picks if they really weren’t just to see who might call them.

    Either way, you don’t just run out saying “let’s trade picks” if you’re trying to trade

  21. I hate even typing this, but the moment I heard they were getting so many opinions on AD’s foot, and AD didn’t want surgery, I was like UGH… sounds like they are trying to fish for the opinion that they want. Usually in sports when this happens, the player comes back for a few games, and then goes down again. I 100% hope I’m wrong, but this rarely works out for players.

    I get trying to avoid surgery so you can come back this season. I’m sure AD is trying to do what he thinks is best so he can get back on the floor. However, this is almost never a good sign. 🙁

  22. havenstone

    These mfers just keep moving the goalposts back don’t they. Although I can’t really blame them for being cautious sometimes considering this dude really has ruined THREE straight seasons with an injury.

  23. Musicfan637

    Our chemistry and efficiency are much improved. I don’t think we need another role guy. Get a stud or keep the roster as it is.

  24. motorboat_mcgee

    If AD is out for the season, there’s no good reason to make a “win now” move

  25. EdwardEYP

    You guys are missing the point. Rob is using the media to give the impression that he won’t budge on the first round picks to gain leverage. Ultimately, he wants other GMs to think he won’t trade them unless it’s a great deal for the Lakers. Rob has made some mistakes like any GM but he isn’t stupid.

  26. valleykid818MD

    Again with the “should we make a deal?”

    It’s halfway through the season and this FO still can’t figure out whether to go all in for a championship or build for the future. Are they not seeing we are 1-2 role players away from being an actual contender??

  27. HarambeTheBear

    The trade we can make on draft night will get us a better pick than the trade we can make before the TDL. Why get a worse player when you can wait and get a better one?

  28. above_the_odds

    Wouldn’t he come back after the trade deadline at this point lol.

    I understand keeping the picks and all that. What I don’t and never understood was why we are allergic to keeping a consistent core of players together.

    We’re just gonna be cycling through players endlessly and that does not build a championship roster either, let alone a playoff contender. Chemistry matters, you need to know everyone’s strength and weaknesses as well as potential to grow, so you can smartly fill in gaps.

  29. Dr_Manhattans

    I think this is a reasonable take. If AD can come back in January, trade picks for some nice players. If not, trade Russ for some salary filler and use picks in offseason.

  30. OkRecommendation7632

    TRADE AD. He ruins the chemisty and does not fit the play style of the team. Russ and LeGOAT are enough

  31. TheWonderfulLife

    Which is smart other than something that gets rid of Westbrook and brings us two pretty decent players to hold on to some of that cap space loss by just letting Westbrook walk.

  32. LennoxAve

    This front office will do anything to not make a move. They’ve been stringing us along since the off season.

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