@New York Knicks

Should Immanuel Quickley remain in the starting lineup when RJ Barrett returns?

Should Immanuel Quickley remain in the starting lineup when RJ Barrett returns?

by anonymitymous


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  2. AustinRiversNYK

    It’s a discussion worth having. IQ is a much better defender.

  3. Furd_Terguson1

    I don’t think so, we desperately need that scoring off the bench. Plus just because he wouldn’t start games doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t end games.

  4. NYerInTex

    I’ve always thought RJ would be an ideal 6th man / lead of the second group. His athleticism and rounded game can shine through while his inefficiency won’t be as glaring an issue. May help with spacing and the like also.

  5. Honesty, yes. Quickey’s defense and playmaking work with the starting lineup especially considering he needs and takes less shots. Barrett would be a great fit with the bench and provide some much needed scoring while being able to take all the shots he wants probably. However, with Barrett’s recent contract extension there is no way he will come off the bench.

  6. Nope. IQ is needed on the bench.

    Hopefully the confidence he’s built with the starters translates to more leadership and consistency in his 6th man role.

  7. Diligent-Cookie-1695

    I wonder how the stats compare with Barrett vs IQ on the starting lineup, I know some fans still attached to the hope of RJ becoming a “star” but I wouldn’t be mad if they keep IQ and move Barrett to the 6th man role as long as they both produce

  8. J4degrees

    I really don’t hate the idea of IQ starting over RJ. But regardless of who is starting, IQ should see a lot of minutes with the starters, and RJ should see a lot of minutes with the bench.

  9. Isosceles_Kramer_

    Before RJ got lacerated, one of the biggest needs was bench scoring.

    Now that Quickley is scoring really, really well I feel like it makes sense to move him back to the bench.

    Plus, our bench scoring without Quickley is ABYSMAL. Not one guy on the bench sans Quickley can reliably get his own shot (besides maybe Fournier, who is now out of the rotation anyway). I understand RJ would alleviate that, but it just makes for a clunky bench lineup, imo. Who is the lead ballhandler – Deuce?

  10. rmccarthy10

    Why can’t RJ *”score off the bench*” for a while ?

  11. Aaaaaaandyy

    Said it a while ago – fucking yes. If RJ is as good as people think he is he’ll make it back to the starting lineup in no time. IQ adds consistent defense and hustle on the offense even on his off shooting nights.

  12. cesarjulius

    if he does go to the bench, he should remain a 2 guard.

    that’s his natural role, and where he plays when he starts.

  13. HokageEzio

    It’s worth discussing. I wouldn’t, but it’s a conversation.

  14. Braunb8888

    Doesn’t need to start but he needs to get 30-35 mins a game. Don’t knock this momentum he’s absolutely killing it lately and honestly has been more impressive than grimes. His passing and penetrating has been amazing and gives the defense a massive speed threat to worry about.

  15. Lovejones722

    The bench scored 9 points against the bucks on Monday. He is desperately needed off the bench.

  16. Lovejones722

    I’ve been hard on RJ ever since he was drafted. But by no means does a #3 overall pick come off the bench. This is nonsense tbh. They just paid the man, why would they have him come off the bench

  17. RJ, Grimes and IQ pretty much play all the minutes for the 2/3 positions so it is pretty irrelevant as to who comes off the bench or starts all three will see 30 minutes a game.

  18. IslandChillin

    I could actually see Grimes getting sat for IQ and then Deuce and Grimes coming off the bench. I think IQ energy defense and size relative to Grimes could be interesting. Grimes has had a bad stretch during this RJ Injury

  19. Savagevandal85

    Somehow rj JB and Randle work good together

  20. nathima1

    No. As much as I’ve enjoyed Quickley playing better. RJ is the better player and gives us that third guy that can bend defenses.

  21. IQ can get more minutes if Thibs becomes more creative with his rotations by giving him some minutes at point and some at shooting guard. But we know that creativity isn’t Thibs’ strengths.

  22. rmccarthy10

    I never said he should start eventually. And I never said he didn’t have better numbers. He was just out of the rotation for a bunch of games and it wouldn’t hurt to bring him back slow and at the same time not mess up a good thing in IQs momentum… Why wouldn’t we let RJ come off the bench until he gets his legs back? Because the New York media would paint it as something more than it is and his giant salary is not going to help the story. I only care about winning. I could care less about egos and feelings and it absolutely is a “”what have you done for me lately” league.. and lately immanual quickly has been killing it.

    Not to mention if there is any truth to teams showing legit interest in a manual quickly, why not continue to showcase him for a little while?

  23. iamdanabnormal

    Moot question since it’s never happening. RJ got paid. He’s starting.

  24. lilleff512

    No, but they should stagger their minutes so that IQ can play a lot with the starters and RJ can play a lot with the bench unit.

  25. wetfarts2

    IQ gets stats but I don’t really see it affecting winning…3/4 of that out put off the bench would be the best

  26. JerryBlitter

    I wouldn’t be opposed. I don’t understand the argument that we need IQs scoring off the bench. RI would take up that mantle and provide the bench scoring. And he would be able to run the second unit and be the absolute center of it. Would probably be good for his game in the long run.

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