@Toronto Raptors

These are Fred’s shooting splits over the last year. It’s not a slump anymore.

These are Fred’s shooting splits over the last year. It’s not a slump anymore.

by DesperateAbility6448


  1. ScottieB4Enthusiast

    Only delusional fans are still thinking it’s a slump, he’s just ass and will continue to be ass since he doesn’t seem to have any punishment from Nick

  2. Novel_Goal3140

    He’ll be out of the league soon if this continues. Those aren’t NBA caliber numbers.

  3. Javen_t23

    Get me Jose Alvarado as the replacement undersized PG. Tired of this man

  4. Cheechers23

    Fred keeps saying his numbers at the end of the year will be in line with last year/his career numbers but I just can’t see it happening. You don’t slump for this long unless you’re injured

  5. NinfthWonder

    I don’t how anyone can defend this. This is really bad.

  6. Maya-Inca-Boy

    Nurse really played him into the ground, that’s sad as hell. Fred should sue him for malpractice.

  7. Rye-And-Ginger

    Honestly the guy needs a fresh start, he struggled finding his place with the long Bois in addition to going through some personal stuff. Sometimes players don’t fit a teams vision/evolution and that’s okay. Don’t think we need to shit on the guy any further, he was a loyal player who NN ran into the ground.

  8. YogurtResponsible785

    He’s a very talented basketball player. His offence has been terrible this season, but there are other things that he does on the floor and he’s been critical in some games this season. But personally I think the team plays overall better basketball and more unified when he’s not on the floor. It’s obvious that both parties have outgrown each other. Just not sure how obvious it is to FO or not.

  9. Life_Of_High

    When bet on yourself meets gambler’s fallacy. Maybe he needs surgery for his knee or back or whatever but either way, a small guard losing a step historically has been followed by a meteoric decline. His offence has been bad, but hi defence just as bad. Maybe he’ll be a great backup point guard if he accepts that role and he can help a team and lead a 2nd unit like in 2019. But he’s proving he’s not really a starter quality player for one reason or another anymore and it’s overall a sad situation. Would much rather him be great than not so great but holy hell the Raptors dodged a bullet by not offering or him not agreeing to the max in the off-season.

  10. ImmaFunGuy

    What are the chances that the team that gives him $120m/4 regrets it by year 2 of the contract

  11. Did us a favour by rejecting that extension earlier

  12. Kevita24

    It is a slump…stop with this “fred is washed” shit…he’s having a bad season, and yes I think we should trade him BUT you can’t just take half a season and then say “it’s not a slump” when the guy is less than a year removed from being an All-Star, and has a 6-year track record of being a consistent, high-level snipper from 3 and an extremely solid player…from what I’ve gathered it’s mostly mental with Fred, and I sort of blame the Raptors front office for putting FVV in a situation that he’s not suited for…he’s at his best in a small ball backcourt as a true shooting guard, not a point guard, if FVV went to a team who used him correctly he would likely be a 22/5/5 guard.

    People said the same shit about Dame Lillard last season “he’s washed” and look at him this season, it’s a “what have you done for me lately” league and fans have no patients…people also said the same shit about Siakam just a season ago and now he’s a top 10-15 player and everyone loves him lol

    It’s likely mental with Fred and I think a change of scenery on a new team who will use him correctly is what he needs…watch, if he gets traded I bet he tears it up and then everyone is going to say “we shouldn’t have traded Fred” lol

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