@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] LeBron hits the midrange jumper to give him 38,000 career points

[Highlight] LeBron hits the midrange jumper to give him 38,000 career points

by Apollo611


  1. CumAssault

    He’s playing insanely aggressive. Insane at 38

    Props to him for 38k, awesome to watch him play

  2. disconnectedmadafaka

    Hope he gets 50+ tonight. Old man’s just feeling it

  3. Propuhganduh

    Once he gets the points record and shatters it, I can’t imagine someone else ever surpassing it again.

  4. John_Lives

    This fuckery won’t last much longer (part 73)

  5. NancyRaegansBoyf

    UP UP and AWAY!! SUPER WASHED Ain’t He??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️. Stay low and keep firing! The air up there is a tad bit different. LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE#striveforgreatness🚀 #thekidfromakron👑#jamesgang👑 #bronknows

  6. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    I remember Bill Simmons saying Kawhi Leonard shut Lebron down in the 2014 finals, and that LeBron would enter a different stage of his career as a 2nd or 3rd option.

    We are now in 2023.

  7. sharkey99

    That is one hell of a milestone. Hope he gets 40k

  8. You can only score these two or three at a time. 38,000 is quite a bit!

  9. cherrybananas13

    Let’s take a moment to just appreciate how amazing this is, 20 years of Lebron dominating!

  10. icestrok

    When Bronny joins the league he will share the record of the most points scored by a father-son duo in the NBA… (I think)

  11. TheKnicksMakeMeDrink

    Jesus Christ he’s going to break the record at MSG, isn’t he

  12. joethahobo

    38,000??!? We are only halfway through the season. That’s a lot!

  13. kiminobukogure5

    38k of a lifetime for a 38 year old man just props

  14. Jay_Dubbbs

    LeBron is probably the only person who actually ever lived up to the hype. It’s insane. Also, no scandals either

  15. Charrbard

    How long has its been since the parade of gasbags saying the warriors ended his career.

  16. whitlinger

    Also with four rebounds at the half, he passes Ben Wallace (10,482) for 33rd in NBA history.

    14 more and he passes David Robinson for 32nd.

    And 67 more assists to pass Steve Nash (10,335) for fourth all-time.

  17. The-Pharcyde

    We need to soak up these moments for real. We wont be seeing someone like Bron for a very very long time.

  18. concept_I

    Not bad for a guy who just turned 83. Not bad at all.

  19. Jesus_Took_My_Wheel

    The way my dad felt in 2016 when I suggested Lebron was on pace to pass Kareem is how I’ll feel in 2052 when my future son suggests some dude is on pace to catch Lebron

    Unbelievable. GOAT of my lifetime, I feel lucky to watch him still. Records always fall

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