@Golden State Warriors

The JP3 dagger from the cheap seats

The JP3 dagger from the cheap seats

by Thisteamisajoke


  1. Thisteamisajoke

    My first time seeing the Warriors live. Almost didn’t go, but my wife encouraged me to go for it. What a game!

  2. Wait, you didn’t see the Spurs game? They literally redefined “cheap seats”, in the Alamodome you’re sitting in the 4k seat lol.

  3. Nothing wrong with that gorgeous view. You can see everyone’s reactions better from that angle

  4. North_Street_8547

    I love seeing dray and jp bigging each other up even if it is just on the court

  5. nickcald

    great view, nice job keeping the camera steady too!

  6. Shermarki

    This view is actually pretty nice I won’t lie.

  7. Sea-Turnip6078

    Props to Jordan for a stretch of balling out on good efficiency since his late game fuckups a few weeks back. Still some TOs and defensive lapses, but the guy’s at 21 PPG for the season now and coming thru while Steph and Wiggs shake off the rust. When he doesn’t force things, he’s an elite offensive player.

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