@New York Knicks

[NBA_NewYork] Kenny Smith on the Knicks: “They’re probably another piece away from trying to be an elite team” Charles Barkley: “LeBron, Giannis, KD…They’re not even close Kenny”

[NBA_NewYork] Kenny Smith on the Knicks: “They’re probably another piece away from trying to be an elite team” Charles Barkley: “LeBron, Giannis, KD…They’re not even close Kenny”

by asapfetty


  1. booberry5647

    Yeah but I think Barkley’s right here.

  2. nicolo_martinez

    Love this crew but they stopped watching games a long time ago lol

  3. Uniquely_structured1

    KD got his bitch ass swept last playoffs so maybe the nets need another piece

  4. That_Rutabaga_3530

    He is unfortunately right. We’d need a player like Book or Luka to even contend

  5. they’re not wrong, elite players put away games and we’re always on the other end of that

  6. Lovejones722

    Shaq says the Knicks suck with while being 5 games over .500 and the 6th seed in the east. They would also have the 5th seed in the west… with that logic 22 teams in the league are straight ass and there are only 8 good teams lololol

  7. Eddaughter

    Definitely isn’t wrong but we still have a good group of guys.

  8. Gonna be funny for Barkley when that one piece is Booker… and then Embiid… decimating his two teams

  9. MachoMom

    I love this Knick team, but Chuck ain’t wrong lol!

  10. Soup_Commie

    I think Kenny’s right. Decent non-contenders either have a star who can carry them but without the depth to go the whole way, or enough depth of talent in their starting lineup to compete but get beat when the elite talent takes over. We are very much the latter.

    By the same coin that really means if you added any top 10 player in the league to our roster and bumped the relevant person in our starting lineup to the bench, we’d be a legit contender. And that’s far from the worst place to be, especially when so many players on our roster are young enough that it’s more likely they will still continue to improve than that they won’t. I don’t agree with Chuck saying we’re not even close.

  11. Mobius24

    It goes without saying you need superstars to win in the NBA.

  12. i-piss-excellence32

    Chuck went from saying they would be lucky to be in the play in to saying they are a first round team. No he’s going to they aren’t contenders. Always moving the goal posts

  13. Geep1778

    I love our guys but I agree that they’re missing a piece in order to be considered bona fide contenders. I just think our guys as is are too young to go out and beat one of the best. We see it going against top top guys and how when they take over and get their shot we have to go nuts and make a tough shot to match. The D is there but second bunch needs help. And down the stretch I wonder if a stretch big or a knock down wing w the daddy long arms arms 🤣 yeah Siakim I’m talking about goons like you lol. He makes normal arms look like T. rex arms. Yeah lol so idk a big or a wing? Karl Anthony Towns up in this bitch w Randle straight mercking nuggas. Silver back gorillas in the paint no no no no man flys in the house of.. 🦍

  14. Fast-Investigator-30

    to a championship yeah we aren’t close but we are closer than most teams we do need to find that superstar

  15. Airzingis

    Barkley is an idiot though, no? Kenny says they are a piece away and Charles brings up guys who are that kind of “piece”. And the Lakers suck, Chuck. Like your shit takes

  16. The_Notorious_Donut

    Y’all really fucking putting on rose tinted glasses. They’re 100% right

  17. pacgaming

    Everyone here knows we aren’t contenders. We also know we aren’t getting Giannis or Luka. Our only hope really if we want to win the chip is either

    A. RJ developes into a superstar player

    B. Trade for a superstar player

    C. Hope to god we steal someone in a draft and everyone is in their prime

    That’s our realistic options. Me personally I’m happy with the Knicks being the 6th seed in the playoffs for a couple years and see how our young guys grow. Then go from there.

  18. Original-Common-7010

    If randle is the go to guy on your team, its not a contender

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