@Atlanta Hawks

Tony “we’re going to pay what we have to pay” Ressler

Tony “we’re going to pay what we have to pay” Ressler

by wookhunter420


  1. OkongwuDPOY

    A little unfair to include years from the rebuild. Don’t get me wrong he’s still a bum, but you don’t spend when you’re trying to lose

  2. mrmercenary10

    Wow but honestly seeing the Mavs below us does make me happy

  3. PeasePorridge9dOld

    … why doesn’t this show this year?

    We’re 11th in salary this year. The only teams ahead of us in committed $$ that aren’t ahead of us in the rankings are PHX and LAL.

    I’m not going to defend the FO here, but putting out information on past regimes and tying to the current is just underhanded.

  4. TimelyMost4958

    People keep bringing this up but in my opinion even with K-Von here, I don’t think we’d be championship contenders. Ressler is right for not going into the tax right now in my opinion…this is not a championship squad

  5. Far-Abrocoma

    I think it’s possible he will go into the tax when we r a contender. This offseason, we were not contenders and FA wasn’t attractive. With our roster, kevin or AJ would have been buried.

  6. Dankofamericaaa2

    We all knew he was full of shit! Talk is cheap.

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