@Dallas Mavericks

[Preston Pannek] @luka7doncic reached out to me and we have a new message coming to Dallas.

[Preston Pannek] @luka7doncic reached out to me and we have a new message coming to Dallas.

by TheRealPdGaming


  1. wheresthecheat

    I know they suck but only I’m allowed to say that so I’ll pay you $$$ to stop shitting on them

  2. babybotburger

    I hate this schmuck and how much attention he’s getting, though I like luka standing up for his teammates by asking him to take it down.

  3. Active_Page_3886

    Give me a break. This front office is so fucking soft.

  4. ChuckMoody

    “Fuck them refs“ mural by Luka und Cuban incoming

  5. torodonn

    I think this is a great sign of leadership by Luka, stepping up and making sure no one shits on his teammates.

  6. TZBlueIce

    Can’t wait to see it. Love that it seems like Luka’s making a big leadership move here though.

  7. Jon-Rambo

    I doubt Luka liked that mural. The way he was holding the banner made it seem like he’s been complaining about his teammates. He often goes out of his way to compliment them. We all know the Mavs could use some more talent but he never talks shit about his teammates.

  8. sinik_ko

    Sucks that this narcissistic asshole is getting exactly what he wants with all this attention

  9. decadentrebel

    It’s going to be “Mark Cuban is my favorite owner” like that shirt Eddie made Chavo wear.

  10. pharmaceuticaldisco

    Lmao snowflake luka. Great mural… fucking kids these days need thicker skin

  11. I hope it was Luka doing this of his own free will and not a case of Cuban or Mavs PR strong-arming him to do it.

  12. SadatayAllDamnDay

    It better be Luka pushing a stroller filled with all his sons.

  13. dragonwhale

    Instead of the negativity.. Any guesses on what this next Mural gonna be? I could see it be Dallas Cowboys related. I don’t follow the NFL but i know they made the playoffs this year. Which is something they don’t do often recently??

  14. chexmixho

    It was pretty cringe that this guy sent a picture of his mural directly to Mark Cuban. I’m as disappointed/frustrated in Cuban as the next Mavs fan but what does he honestly expect him to say?

  15. Powpowpowowowow

    This is what I hate about that narrative. Like Luka clearly loves his teammates even if they aren’t that great or star players, its just who he is. He needs help at times but we also are searching for the right rotations, roles, and skillsets of this very new team.

  16. BrandingtheMavericks

    Can we stop giving this clown the attention, promotion, and airtime that he’s clearly desperate for?

  17. its going to be the same mural but the message is going to say ‘please send nudes’ and the statlines are replaced with measurements luka is looking for

  18. Got Lukas handle correct in the Twitter post but not on the actual mural?

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