@Toronto Raptors

He Wanted To Stay With Us

He Wanted To Stay With Us

by CazOnReddit


  1. pskill43

    I don’t think Norm staying here is gonna change anything. We’d still be a first round exit last year and probably the same place now.

  2. jamiecballer

    Please. Don’t hurt me further. It’s already one of the few moves our front office has made that I never understood. This just makes it hurt more.

  3. I prefer Gary 🤷‍♂️ he’s got that drip

  4. Ylissian

    Yea but Masai saved the billionaires at MLSE some money so it was worth it /s

  5. 69thAgent

    I think the impact he brings off the court is just as valuable. During the Kyle/Demar era, both guys would mentor the team on and off the court. Norm staying could have recreated another Kyle/Dema leadership style with Fred and help boost morale during this slump.

  6. GPadrino

    The mistake was only signing Gary to a 2+1 player option.

    The trade made perfect sense as much as I loved norm

  7. DynamicMercenary

    This trade made sense though? We got a younger player while transitioning into a new era, put Norm in a winning situation, and through that he got paid.

    Resigning Norm wouldn’t have made a difference for us.

  8. mattychefthatbih

    I’m Norm was still on the Raps half the fans would be begging for him to get dumped for picks

  9. Raptorsarelegit

    Gary is the better player and better asset. Don’t regret the trade.

  10. Kevita24

    I love Norm but GTJ is a better all-around player, you could argue that he’s less consistent but Norm also went through a dry spell earlier in the season…Norms is also not a great defender, and at 23 he wasn’t near the player that GTJ is at the same age, so It’s silly to act like that wasn’t a solid trade or that somehow having Norm would make us better.

    The only reason GTJ might get traded is for salary cap reasons, not his lack of talent, he’s uber-talented with major upside, but if he’s going to demand 25+ million a season (give or take) on a multi-year deal, or simply walk and leave without the Raptors getting anything in return, then they obviously need to make a decision…sign him to a large deal, or let him walk for nothing in free agency?

  11. blocking-io

    I feel like I’m in bizarro world. I remember when Rap fans kepts mocking Blazer fans for the trade saying how we fleeced them. Now all of a sudden we lost that trade?

    I’ve always been of the opinion that the trade benefited both teams, GTJ is only 23 years old and FO should re-sign him because we lack shooters and he fits our timeline whether we’re rebuilding or not

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