@Toronto Raptors

Should the Raptors enter tank mode?

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Dave Feschuk from OverDrive discuss the Toronto Raptors struggles over the last few games against teams that have been missing key players and why they should officially enter tank mode.


  1. I’m so sick of seeing raps fans say we shouldn’t tank or shouldn’t trade fvv or pascal. We are not and I repeat we are not winning a title with this core, we aren’t going far in the playoffs. If u want to win with Scottie u need to retool.

  2. I see big changes necessary for this roster to get anywhere near a championship. That's although I hope to see the Raps' playoff series win drought end next season if possible. Otherwise this drought may be going on for awhile.

  3. Even if they make through the payin, they're still gonna wake up with capability of being a threat in the East

  4. Best, most coherent explanation of the raptors’ current situation I’ve heard so far.

  5. Maybe Nick Nurse is smarter than we think. Maybe he has played his starters so much to get their stats up, thus their trade value up, knowing that they would eventually have to tank. And so now when they do we get maximum return, partially at least because Nurse has "run the starters in to the ground".

  6. We're missing that power winger high energy like a normal Powell who comes in the last 4 minutes. Who you going get as a better pt guard than van who name one

  7. You can’t build a contender when you’re two most expensive contracts are a 26th pick and undrafted player.

  8. The Raptors just need to figure out what they want to do. Every team wants to be Golden State, but what some of these teams don't understand is Golden State had a lot of favorable circumstances. From Steph getting injured early on and getting a bargain contract-to trading KD for a lot of assets and even they are coming back to earth now. Raptors have to choose… either they are going to be a playoff contender, or they're going to develop young players…

  9. TSN got the "do what i say" from their USA Media bosses and it's following their narrative. This is called colonialism. Canadian Media can't think by itself. always following what the boss from the south tells them to do. No balls. The whole NBA wants our players, hope Masai, my man, who doesn't obey USA Media doesn't give in to this monsters.
    LeQueen James wants Pascal, Philly and the clown of Embid wants OG, Steve Kerr want GTJ, and the list keeps getting bigger.
    Acting like we're the farm team of these all imbecile teams.

    Get the hell out !!!
    Lots of Maple Laughs fans up here. Go back to your hockey….1967 ????

  10. Once again, you can't commit to the tank if you keep Siakam. He's about to be a supermax player. We are gonna end up like Washington with Bradley Beal.

  11. Well said. This is why overdrive is the best, they understand and they get it..FV and Trent have 2 go, period..both these guys are opting out, they gonna want north of 30 million, they're not even worth it, they aren't that good 2 begging with, u have 2 have 2 have a these guys said, these 2 guys are not part of the plan so move them.
    Now in off season u re tool with Barnes, Siakim and if Siakim says I'm not liking the direction than move him in the summer. OG gotta stay, I'm telling u once the rift raft..the ball hoggs on this team moves..he will become OG what we always wanted with Barnes.

  12. Shutting Siakam down for the year would piss him off – he is looking for an All-NBA season so he is eligible for 35% of the cap. It would be a dixk move to shut him down or limit his minutes so he doesn't get there.

  13. Give anyone of those lanky bastards or shorty’s that have no other talents a stick and they’d be lost! But you could definitely put a real athlete from a real sport in basketball and they would thrive!!

  14. Only way. This season is a bust. I love Pascal, I love Fred, Trent, all these guys, but they deserve better, especially Pascal this season where he's absolutely balling out, he could turn the scales on a contending team into a championship team, and the raptors can get a few really nice pieces back and picks too. OG as well, deserves better, also especially in a season where he's balling out. Raptors can get back some very very good prospects/players/picks for the guys they have. And unless they absolutely get there shit together and go on like a 15 win streak and completely turn the season season together, I don't see why they don't blow it up.

  15. Everyone and their donkey knows if the Raps want to improve the team.. Raps MUST trade BUM Vleet.

  16. If only OKC is willing.. Pascal, OG, and a couple of first round picks for SGA.

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