@Toronto Raptors

“I love Fred BUT…” will be the new every other post/comment until the trade deadline. I think we get it by now, Fred might not be ideal anymore, but we have not been kind to this man. Don’t be disappointed if/when he stills here on Feb 10th. I love Fred. PERIOD.

“I love Fred BUT…” will be the new every other post/comment until the trade deadline. I think we get it by now, Fred might not be ideal anymore, but we have not been kind to this man. Don’t be disappointed if/when he stills here on Feb 10th. I love Fred. PERIOD.

by AHImusic


  1. shikotee

    Sure…. I like Fred…..but something has to give.

  2. ScottieB4Enthusiast

    I don’t love Fred and he should be traded ASAP

  3. Ssstanimal

    I’ll be very, very disappointed if he is still here Feb 10th.

  4. Odd-Koala1290

    Don’t resign players off past performances. It’s ok to love someone. But…

  5. Javen_t23

    Fred is one of the greatest success stories in NBA history. If he gets in the right situation he will be an all star again. Unfortunately he’s on a team without enough shooting and a bench that as presently constructed does not play to his strengths and the FO will not pay him what he wants. This is basketball.

  6. Ylissian

    Lot of people setting themselves up for disappointment if they think he’s getting traded. I just don’t see it happening. *Maybe* a sign-and-trade in the off-season but otherwise I’m expecting him to be on the team next year.

  7. golden_rhino

    I’ve always had a lot of respect for Fred, and his story is a goddamn Disney movie.

    I respect the man and how hard he plays, yet in spite of all the positives he brings, I’ve never liked his game. It’s a personal preference I suppose.

    I don’t think he deserves any slander, unless he stops giving a shit, but I’m really ready to move on, and will hope he succeeds wherever he goes.

  8. hypespud

    It’s just time for a new direction

    That is not a knock on any player

    Barnes is here and the team just needs to transition

    Holding on to the past here is not going to grow this ball team the right way

  9. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Looking forward to where the hive mind projects their frustration when the Raptors don’t suddenly become a great team if Fred gets moved

  10. Echodono

    None of us can change his history with us, he’s an amazing story. However, the fit no longer makes sense

  11. UncleNuks

    I can make sense of both arguments for and against dealing Freddy. I think most of us can.

    That said, I’d prefer to just appreciate and support him while he’s here and leave the wheeling and dealing to the front office (and the whining and complaining to this subreddit lol)

  12. passiveparrot

    I mean it’s all a business

    can’t act like we’re actually friends with these players

  13. awwwyeahaquaman

    I have as much respect for Fred as anyone I think, but starting at point in the NBA is a huge responsibility. Especially with a team like ours, it’s not just about percentages and assist numbers. This team has been consistently bad offensively while under his wing, particularly in a half-court set, which is where your point should be able to run the show. We rely on him to organize the offense, and he’s fallen short of the mark more often than not, without even getting into his hot-cold shooting.

    He’s been a fantastic Raptor, but him as starting point guard doesn’t seem like the best way to win. I wish there could be some exploration of him coming off the bench, so we rely on him less, but nobody is better than him as a guard on the team. So I think it makes sense to evaluate other options through a trade or even letting him walk.

  14. motherseffinjones

    I wouldn’t mind him getting traded. What I can’t stand is how the fans treated him this season, players can have a down season or he could be washed. The thing is he was still a big part I. Bringing a chip here, he deserves more respect than we have given him.

  15. No_Brilliant5888

    Fred is the best story since Brock Purdy.

  16. slowbaja

    He’s had a hell of a run for the Raptors in his career no doubt about it. I personally would like to see him moved but certainly one of the top 10 Raptors in team history.

  17. Separate-Score-7898

    1. So is Jeremy Lin
    2. So?
    3. So?
    4. So?
    5. Only because other pgs were injured and he went on a hot shooting streak against shit teams and teams missing their entire starting 5 due to health protocols.

  18. xrubicon13

    Fred had a kid to secure the chip (it’s a joke), all when he was a Raptor in our prime. I have a lot to be thankful for Freddie. No one can take that connection away from us.

  19. the-complete-fool

    bruh i love my raps but im not watching a 6 foot point guard that can’t see plays developing cause hes too short. if he stays i legit can not watch ill keep up with scores check in on my favs dalano scottie siakam but thats it.

  20. Whatever happens, I will continue to support Fred!

  21. LandooooXTrvls

    Raptor fans don’t deserve fvv.. y’all let that one fluke ring gas yall

  22. I respect Fred for his hustle and grind no one can take that away from him, but I never saw him as a starter. He’s a tremendous 6th man and a lethal 3-and-D players off the bench and he proved that in 2019. I think Scottie Barnes should be our starting PG, and FVV comes off the bench and rain 3s

  23. fightclubdog

    We want Fred. Period. Fred only gets better when the team around him gets better. We’ve had struggles but if the team improves even just a bit and takes some pressure off of him and his minutes can come down we will all of a sudden have all the FVV haters disappear.

    Cut the guy some slack. Literally every team in the league would benefit from him and if he went on a contender he would thrive and all those same people would be complaining that the front office sent our stars away.

  24. Lankstaa

    He’s a good roleplayer but yall act like he a max contract player lol

  25. The_Mikeskies

    Trading Fred means full tank mode. We’d have so many turnovers without him.

  26. I love fred but he’s not the ball handler the raptors need. he plays way more like a SG than a PG.

  27. We just need a new PG, one who’s less looking to score one on one all the time and one who’s more focused on getting people set up. Fred would be great for a better team but he’s not the PG we need now.

  28. ColeWorld281993

    Fred has done so much for this team and this Country, from winning a championship, continuing to be a Rock for this team once Lowry was Traded.

    We Love Fred, but if this is his next stop.. I hope it’s another team that values him and continues championship asperations** edit

    It’s always Hard when you get close to trade deadline, we value all these guys.

  29. Major9000

    I love Fred and I think he embodies the culture of Raptors basketball. I want him to stay a Raptor forever. If he gets dealt, I hope he comes back and murders this team each time he plays us.

  30. n3moh0es

    i doubt he gets traded even tho i’m hoping he does 😂😂

  31. BackhandQ

    Fans are fickle. That will never change.

    That said, two things can co-exist:

    1. Love and Respect for FVV
    2. Wanting FVV to be traded, in order to take the team in a different direction

    If FVV is still on the team post-trade deadline, then he should not receive any undue flack or criticism. Being traded is not on him. What others are willing to give up for FVV, is not on him. If the FO doesn’t feel the return is enough, is not on him.

    FVV has earned the support he has gotten till date. And he hasn’t done anything to tarnish it. At least nothing outwardly, publicly against the Team or Fans.

    He’ll always have a special place in Raptors lore. That is etched and cannot be removed.

  32. the amount of Fred hate on this sub is actually unbelievable. Just a bunch of people who watch 5 mins of a game, make an opinion and turn to twitter and reddit for attention. it’s so fucking annoying. I understand that making content about peoples slumps is easy and can garner some quick gas to fuel their empty egocentric tanks but it’s getting out of hand. Although there are actual non-biased, legitimate takes on the Freddy situation, they get washed over by this new flood of fucking idiots who just want to speak without thinking. It’s embarrassing that the new norm is to take a steaming shit on every player’s chest if they don’t meet these peoples personal expectations

    Anyway, I’m just happy to see a post that actually supports the man for once. So shoutout to OP for helping me remember that not everyone out there is filled with hate.

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