@National Basketball Association

A young Heat fan who traveled 4405 miles to see Jimmy Butler play finds out he was ruled out just an hour before tip-off

A young Heat fan who traveled 4405 miles to see Jimmy Butler play finds out he was ruled out just an hour before tip-off

by Brady331


  1. Togetherapestronger

    So, his parents set him up for disappointment?

  2. SharpMind94

    NBA needs to make it a rule to where players have to be ruled out 24 hours before the game and have a partial refund.


    They really do need some buyer beware tickets for fans nowadays.

  4. whatdoidoidontkno

    The way he drops the sign is so fucking funny

  5. rfguevar

    Of course because it was televised I’m sure the team and Butler will do good by this fan, but this shit happens to hundreds/thousands others each time a player sits out games, and so many don’t even get a glance from the players.

  6. TrippieReg

    Jimmy might see this and reach out tbh. At least send a signed jersey or something.

  7. pagonator

    Lmao I know we’re supposed to feel bad, but this is pretty funny

  8. gigglios

    This eras soft. Dont care what anyone says. You pay to see stars. Guys always played back in the day. Now its a joke.

  9. The_A_Hole_Team

    Butler didn’t wanna be out there when the heat lose to our bench

  10. UrbanJatt

    I’m sure Jimmy will reach out to the fan and make some sort of arrangement. Jimmy cool like that

  11. target550

    Poor kid, it especially hurts when you’re just trying to see your fav player. Hope it happens for him at some point.

  12. SubredditPianist

    I hope Jimmy chills with the kid and the family during the game or something.

  13. And now its televised, the kids definitely getting a consolation prize

  14. Aggressive-Ad-756

    Imagine traveling from Argentina to watch JIMMY BUTLER

  15. Frankbiggums

    i wouldve fallen to my knees, kids a stronger man than i

  16. HoelEmbellyDancer

    It might just be me but people doing this kind of stuff so they can get TV exposure or free shit from the players is so corny. Especially when it’s people obviously using children for sympathy

  17. romanticynicist

    Honestly, as a Sixers fan who fucking *loved* having Jimmy on the team, I feel like this kid all the goddamn time.

  18. thomfountain

    People can complain about players being soft or load management but this is the fault of the thirty owners. It’s clear an 82 game regular season is no longer viable—and all this rest is making the playoffs and big games even better.

    I would love to see a 58 game season where you play every team twice, but would be fine even with a 72 game season that eliminates back to backs.

  19. ealjaks22

    This is why Kobe played through any injury that didn’t stop him from walking

  20. Sad_Classroom_6428

    It sucks when people don’t get exactly what they want, but far worse things happen all the time. It’s just a slightly unfortunate night.

  21. BadTouchHobo

    Jimmy said “fuck them kids”

  22. marajskim

    Unpredictability with availability is just the current reality of modern major sports. At the end of the day, the ticket guarantees the right to watch a game between two teams and nothing more. Players shouldn’t be shamed anymore than any other person just for being unable to report to work even if it’s last minute.

  23. ZeroDwayne

    This kid bout to be the face against game management

  24. someone tell me there’s an update to this story.

  25. Quite literally the poster child for anti-load management

  26. hallonemikec

    Bought tickets to see Tool…. Nickelback played instead. Not really fair is it?

  27. This should be an ad for the nba at this point

  28. muddyklux

    This is why I cheer for bench players. They never let me down

  29. gabzlap22

    if you can afford to travel internationally for a pic with an NBA player from an economically struggling country, hmmmmmmmm

  30. Super-Kirby

    Decrease to a 72 game season, please (ala Steve Kerr)

  31. The_Second_Revenger

    I’m so nervous that Lebron will sit out the game I’m headed to next month (never seen him and it will be close to the game that he breaks the record). I would’ve gotten nicer tickets but I didn’t want to run that risk. It’s not the players fault at all but this is just so frustrating as a fan. Not sure what the solution is. All I know is Pop and Kiwi paved the way for this shit

  32. RavingMalwaay

    Sidenote: I notice they haven’t patched over the FTX logo on the staff uniform yet? Not that it matters really but would have thought they would want to get that shit off quickly

  33. dimechimes

    I mean was Miami the closest spot? If you can afford a 4400 mile trip to Miami, why not go during a home stand?

  34. Guygenius138

    I went to back to back Dallas vs Portland games in Portland, and lots of Blazers fans were disappointed Luka sat out the second night, as they showed up to see him specifically.

  35. ArmchairHandjob

    At least the poor kid gets to be sad in Miami

  36. Green-Umpire2297

    Franchise owners don’t care. Tickets already sold.

  37. PixBebop

    the fact hes asking for a photo on the poster already is kinda off-putting and suspicious. idk tough luck kid

  38. DocAuch22

    Don’t worry guys, he got a picture with Gabe Vincent lmfao

  39. SobiescianumScutum

    Ahh the one of many disappointments he will have to get through life. This is nothing compared to what lies ahead

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