@Chicago Bulls

[Amico] Guard Ayo Dosunmu has generated some trade interest, sources said…Pistons and Hornets…mildly in pursuit. The Bulls are telling teams that guard Zach LaVine will not be traded…They seem to be as determined to keep DeMar DeRozan, though may be open to dealing center Nikola Vucevic.


Full quote: “Guard Ayo Dosunmu has also generated some trade interest, sources said, with Pistons and Hornets being mentioned as two teams mildly in pursuit.”

“The Bulls are telling teams that guard Zach LaVine will not be traded, sources said. They seem to be as determined to keep DeMar DeRozan, though may be open to dealing center Nikola Vucevic.”

If we trade Caruso and Ayo, we should really look to move DeMar as well

by howser343


  1. ExplodingCatDiarrhea

    Lavine being untradeable seems to be the Bulls posturing to get a better trade package. Don’t want to look too desperate.

  2. IceTeaBandito

    If the rumors have any truth to them, and Dosunmu does end up getting traded, I’m fully expecting him to follow in the footprints of Wendell Carter jr and other young Bulls and look much better off the team.

  3. Why would they trade a young player that can get better? Trade the vets. Vuc, Demar, White, Drummond, and Caruso. Take some expiring contracts and as many picks as we can get. Retool in the off-season.

  4. Kwanza_Bot93

    Does anyone still believe DeMar and Zach can be effective together?

  5. Amico is a hack but I can believe that AK is dying on the hill of Zach and DeMar. trading either would be admitting he fucked up and I don’t see that happening.

    with that being said, everything changes if Zach requests a trade… which is very much in the realm of possibility imo.

    he’s never looked so disengaged on a nightly basis even during the Boylen years. this aint the same Zach we’ve been watching for the past 6 years.

  6. ColoSpgsCrush


    Time to blow it up baby. Would love to be rooting for some young talented prospects when they come to Denver in March!

  7. Sacredbonezll

    Trade Caruso for pics & a young PF or center.
    David roddy + picks or Wiseman + picks

  8. allknowerofknowing

    Idk that I want to give up on ayo yet, but if we were to trade him to the pistons or hornets, get Livers from the pistons. Great shooter, great size, good defender. Seems underutilized on a bad team currently.

  9. Inconspicuouslynamed

    My bad guys — I bought an Ayo jersey this year.

  10. sickstorybrah69

    If the bulls trade Ayo they’re idiots. Sooooo I fully expect them to trade him. Is he a superstar? No. But he’s exactly the kind of player you want on a championship/competitive team.

  11. DeaseanPrince

    The contract situation of Ayo and Vuc is likely why they would be moved more than anything. I fully believe AKME believes in Zach and Demar working and trying to gain another piece or two in free agency. I just don’t know how or why, we have no cap, our assets are not that great and Demar is about to be 34 this summer with one year left. A blow up seems inevitable, weather it’s at the deadline, this summer or next summer, we might as well get it over with now. This roster just isn’t it and we’re so limited in how we could improve it.

  12. SecondCityMeatball

    Funny, Zach is the one I want gone the most…

  13. IlliniBull

    If this team freaking trades Ayo, one of the few good young players it has with real upside who has shown he can start, to preserve this aging losing nucleus of DeMar and Vuc, AKME should be fired tomorrow. Talk about being stubborn and having no view of your future as a team.

  14. ToeJelly420

    If we are trading then i’d much rather trade older guys than our youngsters. I dont think a dosunmu trade is gonna get us to the next level with this core lol. Unless we can somehow make a package that ships out ayo and vooch and lands us mark williams or duren

  15. moneyman2222

    If we trade our young guys and keep the vets then AKME deserves to be hung in front of a town hall gathering

  16. YoHoochIsCrazy

    I don’t think anyone knows anything. These rumors keep coming out after losses and they have very little substance to them. I’m betting they’re mostly guesswork

  17. kingjuicepouch

    Sell high on demar. Just admit the team construction was stupid and move on

  18. donnybaby97

    Nah man ayo dos has mad potential just sucks he’s surrounded by lazy teammates. He came into the league with a chip on his shoulder that seems to have disappeared

  19. MethLabIntel

    Damn bro those sound like all the wrong moves

  20. Obi_Wan_Gebroni

    Why are we determined to keep DeMar? He’s gonna be 34 with a year left. It’s a no brainer to dish him if we’re just gonna suck ass with him on the team no matter how good he is individually.

  21. Engine6337

    I don’t think a trading Ayo is the correct thing to do. Why?

  22. Aware_Emphasis8186

    We are in the “make shitty trade rumors up to pay bills” phase of the NBA season

  23. justawaterisfine

    Don’t even look at my son ever again

  24. Iamnotapickle

    There has to be a package out there that’d make it worthwhile to trade Zach. I honestly believe he’s the weak link (along with Billy) on this team and trading him could reinvigorate this roster if the right pieces come back. I’ve always thought he would be a great fit in Philly and maybe a package around Maxey could be built. I’d also be interested in something built around Simons or OG. I’d imagine teams like Dallas, NY, Sac or even OKC would be looking to make a move as well. I don’t know, I just want Zach out of here at this point.

  25. ThisOneGoes211

    Honestly Vuc has been playing better than Zach this season. I guess sell high maybe?

  26. Rshackleford22

    Whatever fuck this team again and again and again

  27. dudeguy81

    I seriously hope this rumor is bullshit. I have no desire to see our young guys go. Pat, Ayo, Caruso and Terry should be the ones that are untradeable. Zach Demar Vooch and any other role players can get traded for all I care. We need to get younger and build around our two way players not trade them away and keep going with this good offense bad defense horseshit that loses us games constantly.

  28. Samsafar

    Ayo sells tickets and merchandise, period. Lots of people tolerate the Bulls because they love Ayo and want the homeboy to succeed. Trading him would be a PR disaster.

  29. siiiiiiilk

    would be really silly to trade ayo and not coby

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