@Orlando Magic

Post Game Thread: The Chicago Bulls defeat The Orlando Magic 128-109

#Chicago Bulls at Orlando Magic

Amway Center- Orlando, FL




|Time Clock|

|CHI |25|35|35|33|128|
|ORL |19|28|34|28|109|

###Player Stats

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|38:18|32|11-14|5-5|5-6|0|2|2|8|0|1|3|4|17
|P. Williams|36:32|16|7-11|2-4|0-0|0|6|6|2|1|1|1|2|14
|N. Vucevic|39:11|26|11-18|2-5|2-2|4|9|13|6|0|2|3|4|23
|Z. LaVine|36:45|32|11-18|3-7|7-7|0|3|3|1|0|0|1|1|24
|A. Dosunmu|21:57|3|1-4|1-4|0-0|0|4|4|1|0|2|0|3|5
|A. Caruso|20:48|7|3-3|0-0|1-2|0|2|2|3|2|0|1|4|19
|C. White|19:14|0|0-5|0-3|0-0|0|3|3|3|1|0|2|0|-4
|D. Jones Jr.|14:37|5|2-3|1-2|0-0|0|1|1|1|1|0|0|2|3
|G. Dragic|12:38|7|2-5|2-5|1-2|0|4|4|5|0|0|1|2|-6

**Orlando Magic**

|F. Wagner|22:30|7|3-8|0-2|1-1|0|2|2|4|0|0|1|0|-14
|P. Banchero|24:45|9|3-14|0-4|3-4|2|5|7|3|1|0|1|2|-19
|W. Carter Jr.|24:53|11|4-8|0-2|3-5|1|4|5|2|0|0|2|2|-21
|G. Harris|19:30|7|3-4|1-2|0-0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|-17
|M. Fultz|21:32|7|3-7|0-0|1-2|0|1|1|3|0|0|2|3|-18
|J. Isaac|8:43|5|2-7|1-4|0-0|1|3|4|0|1|0|0|1|-1
|C. Anthony|30:28|21|9-15|3-5|0-0|0|6|6|6|0|0|1|1|-6
|J. Suggs|26:28|11|4-6|2-4|1-3|2|2|4|5|1|0|2|5|-1
|B. Bol|23:15|4|2-3|0-1|0-0|0|5|5|2|0|0|2|0|0
|M. Wagner|23:07|27|8-11|3-4|8-9|0|2|2|3|1|0|0|2|2
|A. Schofield|14:49|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|2|0
###Team Stats



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  1. Mosley is a fucking idiot as usual fails to make the timely adjustments

  2. Noleitall420

    Ok, I have watched every game. I feel like the last two games were must wins. Didn’t win. I feel the play in out of reach due to….well, this is not a good team. It hurts me deeply to say this.

    Please. Explain to me how this team makes the play in. I’m serious.

  3. strayanmagicfan

    Fuck the starters.. Those guys can start the next game on the bench for all I care. Let it really sink in how fucking gutless they were.

  4. ActApprehensive3271

    Cole, Suggs and moe only ones who cared. Still a blowout loss terrible defense and effort no excuse for that coming from a winnable loss.

  5. ApatheticTrooper

    My only take away is, Bamba has to be traded already.

  6. treadwater23

    You got your accountability. I love it.

    We had no chance in the game anyway with a 25 point deficit in the late 3rd.

    Play like you don’t give a shit, get benched.

  7. bllr32423

    Y’all will disagree but I’m okay with selling Bol high at the deadline. He has such a unique play style but it’s hard for me to see him being a winning player and we don’t have the min to give him anymore to develop with JI and eventually Chuma coming back. Huge shoutout to Moe, Cole, and Jalen for actually playing with some energy and urgency

  8. Shinebright444

    1st game this season with 0 blocks

    There was a lot wrong here tonight – but come on Bol ..jump!

  9. Bench was rolling but it wasn’t because Bol Bol and Shofield were doing anything. Mose could have kept the guys that were playing well like Cole, Moe, and Suggs and subbed in Franz and Fultz who are actually useful.

  10. PrimalCookie

    I guess we just didn’t want to win because I genuinely cannot think of any other reason why Admiral was out there for the entire closing stretch

  11. mr-puffer-billow

    Paolo looks so uninterested.. content with driving and hopefully going to the line to get one free throw? Also, JI is “fully healed” why are we still restricting minutes? Genuinely curious

  12. RonnocFjord

    Starters thought they were the bench today 😰

    Glad Mose decided to keep them out of the game, even Franz and Paolo had no energy or effort and were making bad decisions the whole game.

    I’ve decided I’m alright with us doing some shady tank stuff the second half of the year. This team is still too young and inconsistent, I think all that a play-in push will do is lower our draft pick and keep us just narrowly out of it.

    Tough loss but at least we know what our expectations for this team should be.

  13. escapedhousefly

    I’m not usually critical of Mosley, but you gotta let your stars come in to try to close the game! Your bench did a great job cutting the lead but you need to ride and die with your stars at the end, especially when your bench played 14 straight minutes, they were gassed!

  14. tristonisgod

    really dumb thing to just try out at the end there in that game, this coaching staff is looking less and less like our long term solution toward building a winning team.

  15. SincereFan

    Worst coaching I have ever seen in the last 2 games. Dont get me wrong the officiating was just as bad, but the coaching made these last 2 games set-in stone as a losses. Why would you not put back in Franz and Paolo once you saw the lead get close. Its not just about rewarding the winning players and hot hand but you have to watch the efficiency and stamina of the group. The bench got tired after the hotstreak and it would have been perfectly fine to bring in some of the SL (who has fresher legs and probably got more settled in) back into the game to close it out. The game plan was terrible, always switching with no care, Bol playing drop coverage and then trying to stop the perimeter shooter (generally it resulted in a Chicago 3). All around terrible and the coaching staff takes the blame. Mosley doesnt understand how to make workable lineups.

    These last 2 games also completely showed the flaws of Moe, Paolo, Dell, and Bol, all of which aren’t centers and can’t be expected to be a center for long minutes. It also shows the need for true spacers (Gary, Mo, Caleb). Bol/Moe get picked on offensively and defensively and are huge liabilities, and Wendell also has his flaws that we have seen capitalized on alot recently. I know Moe had a great game this one, but his flaws were still there, and paint was still getting easily accessed by the Bulls but Moe hustle was gamechanging and is a bright spot.

    Every game yall flame Mo for his fouls well it happens to Centers mostly as we have seen with the foul problems the last 2 games. It’s not a random thing being a center means getting more physical and being the first option help defender. Mo has shown elite help defense this year and has shown better zone coverages and switch-ability. Many centers struggle with fouls and yall are too hard on Mo for it most nights especially since he has gotten better.

    However, it’s ridiculous that this coach saw Moe Wagner completely being a blackhole last game, and Dell getting exposed and did nothing. Moe/Dell aren’t rim protectors. This coach saw a big problem and made no adjustments or changes and just let the team suffer last game and this one the coach saw a fix allowed the team to run through the bench who came out hot and never saw that the fix was losing strength. He isnt flexible and its honestly is terrible.

    Just to throw some actual defensive numbers/stats out there since many of yall think I am trolling when I say Mo is the best true center on this team. Mo Bamba has a 3 point Defended Field Goal Percentage (DFG%) of 32.8% (Percentage point difference of -2.7), 2-point DFG% of 55.2% (Diff% of -0.6), less than 6ft DFG% of 59.8 (diff% of -3.6), less than 10ft of 58.4 (Diff -1.4), and Greater than 15ft DFG% of 35.8 (diff% of -0.3) and an Overall DFG% of 47% (Overall Percentage Point Difference of -1.8%).

    Lets compare that to other “center” teammates and Dpoy #1 rank (**bolded** are the best 2 Magic, *Italics* is the worst). JJjr will be the last in each section so use him as a comparison.

    MoBamba/WCjr/Moe W/ BolBol/ JJ jr respectively have a

    * 3pt DFG% of 32.8/ *38.2(WCjr)*/ **32.7(Moe)**/ **32.6 (Bol)**/ 40.9 (JJ jr) (Diff% **-2.7 (Mo Bamba)**/ *2.1 (WCjr)* / -2.4/ **-2.9 (BB)**/ 5.9 (JJjr)),

    * 2pt DFG% of **55.2 (Mo B)** /**51.1 (WCjr)**/ *63.2 (Moe)*/ 58.8/ 43.1% (Diff% of **-0.6 (Mo Bamba)**/ **-4.1 (WCjr)**/ *7.4 (Moe)*/ 3.0/ -11.9),

    * <6ft of **59.8 (Mo Bamba)**/ **57.4 (WCjr)**/ *79.2 (Moe)* / 65.9/ 48.0% (Diff% of **-3.6 (Mo)** / **-5.8 (WCjr)** / *13.9 (Moe)* / 1.3/ -15%),

    * <than 10ft of **58.4 (Mo)** /**53.3 (Wendell)** / *69.6 (Moe)* / 63.8/ 45.5% (Diff% of **-1.4 (Mo)** / **-6.5 (Wendell)** / *9.2 (Moe)* / 3.4/ -13.6),

    * Greater than 15ft of **35.8 (Mo)**/ 38.6/ 37.7/ **34.2 (BB)**/ 40.1% (Diff% of **-0.3 (Mo)**/ *1.3 (Dell/Moe)* / **-2.0 (BB)** / 4.2),

    * Overall DFG% of **47.0 (Mo Bamba)**/ 47.5/ *53.8 (Moe)*/ **47.3 (BB)**/ 42.4% (Diff of **-1.8 (Mo)**/ **-1.1 (Dell)**/ *4.7 (Moe)*/ -0.6/ -6.1% ).

    Mo keeps his opponents to a negative diff on areas on the court. Mo is a positive defender. Moe Wagner is by far a blackhole. Absolutely atrocious in many areas. (I started typing this last night, then decided to post this later or not post and now all the numbers changed so I had to do it all over. I also started doing this before JJjr scandal, but his numbers haven’t updated so it stays, but yesterday before the update Mo was 1st or 2nd on most categories but the point still stands).

    Mo actually does better than Dell at guarding the perimeter and extended ranges while Dell is good at close to the range. The 2 of them are a dynamic duo and should be used as such. Mo covers Dells weaknesses as a rim protector and switchable big and Dell is a good POA defender for the strongest and more low post big which is something Mo needs help with to excel.

    Funny enough Cole by the numbers is our top defender but maybe he gets hidden which help the numbers. Cole has best DFG% on the team, 2nd best Diff%, Gary is best Diff%, 2nd best DFG%. Cole/Gary top 2 defenders and point diff players. Worst DFG% and Diff players are Moe (worst in both) and MarKelle (2nd at the bottom).*E*orl&dir=A&sort=D_FG_PCT.

    Mo is the clear best defensive and offensive fit big on the SL. Mo has the best numbers mid/deeper range among center candidates and is the only real true spacer. Mo last season was a top 5 shooting big with high volume and top 11 defensive center in the league and somehow Mo got less touches this season and even getting DNPs. It’s ridiculous. Mo finishing took a dip this season and honestly, I want to just blame lack of reps, Mo doesn’t get plays run for him nor does he get much pt the guy is struggling for playtime its ridiculous. On the other hand offensively Bol is only a slasher and is terrible from mid and deeper, Dell is best inside, Moe is terrible in every zone except 15-19ft (with low volume). Mo Bamba is the best offensive weapon, maybe Dell is the most versatile but not exactly reliable except close to the rim. Mo is the best offensive weapon. I am not saying Moe/Bol should never get minutes what I am saying is that Bol/Moe should never play 5, Mo/ or JI should start and the other on the bench with quality minutes to help as a 3&D center. My preferred lineup that imo works the best is Kelle, Franz, Paolo, Dell, Mo/JI, with Cole, Suggs, Moe, Bol, Mo/JI. Nightly decisions should be made on who gets limited minutes between Bol/Moe since they have their own strengths weaknesses. Gary/Ross should be traded.

    I truly think these matter, it shows alot and many of the lineup p/m show it, and the individual metrics also support this. Mo is not the problem, and in fact his numbers show he could be a solution. His playstyle fits and his synergy with the SL could be gamechanging. Mo is the best or second-best defensive center, the best or second best offensive center on this team. Mo is the best rim protector, one of the best help defenders, plays well within the team (evident from his p/m excellence, and is still young and developing. Its honestly just ridiculous that the team seemingly choose Moe/Bol over him and even more ridiculous that they refuse to at least give Mo chances to prove he is better with the SL. I truly think its for tanking purposes.

  16. treadwater23

    I’m tired of people here acting like Mose hasn’t been in the league 20 years (hell, any coach that we run out after 2-3 years) and all of these guys assistants haven’t been coaches their entire careers.

    Jacque looks completely competent with (healthy) Durant and Irving despite looking ass here.
    Vogel won a chip with LeBron and Lakers despite looking ass here.
    Clifford looked solid with us here with vets but the Hornets team might drive him insane before his tenure there ends.

    90% of coaching is just having the talent. We’re not too far away from where we want to be, but don’t get it twisted, we have the 3rd youngest team, barely any consistent shooters, and barely any consistent defenders.. yet we’re in most games because of coaches getting a lot out of players.

    And people still bitch and moan about every single thing.

    Of course they knew they can bring in the starters. But every starter was literally -15 to -20 basically and sleptwalked through the entire game.

    Not every bench guy deserved those minutes, but they were part of a lineup that worked.. until it didn’t. You can bring the starters back and it can backfire as evidence of 3/4th of the game had already shown evidence, or you live and die by a bench squad that brought us back, and got tired, but deserved to finish the game.

    The coaches chose to send a message. Remember when they got benched last time a few games ago and Franz came back because he was the only starter that looked competent and had a positive +/-? They’re not scared to reward smart and good play.

  17. curtisrambis

    If coach is teaching the starters a lesson by benching them then the same should go for bol. He was fucking terrible. Didn’t at all deserve to play the whole fourth.. he wasn’t part of the run

  18. Independent-Impress7

    Is everyone in here having a meltdown 😂

  19. SonicNarcotic

    *It’s ONE GAME only..! This team is playing for nothing but pride, growth and development this year…*

    **Be happy we have one of the most exciting young cores in the entire league right now and give Banchero, Franz, Cole, Bol and Suggs a chance to make mistakes and have the occasional bad game.. It’s all gonna come together after this season, mark my words..!**

  20. GrouchyUniversityy

    Some of you forget that PB is still a rookie. Yes he’s going to have games where he doesn’t look too great and that’s ok as long as he learns from his mistakes and continues to develop.

    Aside from a couple of rocky games this month, he’s been playing well. Can’t have super high expectations from a 20 yr old rook.

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