@National Basketball Association

In his first home game post scorekeeper allegations, Jaren Jackson Jr. posts 28/8/1 with a steal and 5 blocks

Honestly though maybe there’s something in the Memphis water. Because the blocks being legit is probably MORE crazy to have that sort of disparity home vs on the road.

Source for stats:

by edgykitty


  1. Mono1RailRail

    I am at the game and can personally attest that all 5 of the blocks were real

  2. idontmindglee

    Yall dorks let us know if they were legit or not.

  3. Thunder-ten-tronckh

    Gonna need some more angles to be sure tbh

  4. IgnorantKnave

    Would have had 10 if it wasn’t for you meddling kids

  5. OrangeTwelve

    Someone please go back and make sure they were legit, I’m pretty sure he only sent most of them to the second row of the stands.

  6. DirtyPlayerSuperfan

    hold on, let me post a single regular-speed angle of each block to confuse people and make them think they were fraudulent calls

  7. CurrentlyRaging123

    Mods are gonna delete this bro

    Can’t make them look bad

  8. They were all very much real. Also ja had a couple highlight reel passes. Didn’t see any clips. Reddit must be down :/

  9. imrosskemp

    Hey now don’t jump in right away… *Alleged* 5 blocks.

  10. TheBlueRajasSpork

    Can someone compile ~~a highlight tape~~ evidence of all those block please?

  11. AlexisDeTocqueville

    Shit, now his home away split is getting even worse

  12. RunAndDunkMan

    Unironically if you watch the games Memphis just plays WAY better at home all around which probably explains the gap in JJJ blocks

    I have no clue why they in particular have such a huge gap because they’re not a 3 point shooting based team at all which normally causes stuff like this but it’s definitely the case for them probably more than any team in the league except the Warriors

  13. AleroRatking

    But how many were the scorekeepers fault.

  14. Bigger_than_most69

    I haven’t watched the games but something real FISHY is going on here

  15. eliteklawraptor

    Something in the water? r/NBA about to get JJJ drug tested now

  16. springerdinger21

    A lot of new JJJ DPOTY bettors are gonna make a lot of money considering he’s the runaway favorite to win.

  17. gigglios

    Fantasy god. He went so cheap in auction due to his inj

  18. GukyHuna

    Y’all really angered the BlockPanther and are surprised he came back with a vengeance

  19. SometimesIComplain

    How do we know that was really JJJ tho?

  20. ResponsibilityOk235

    *allegedly 5 blocks and 1 steal, we’re still going to need Admassive to confirm

  21. aarongrosman

    I have glaucoma and can’t see out of the middle part of my eye but call me a boot lickin whore if I didn’t see 5 blocks tonight

  22. SkydroLnMEyeball

    Have you guys ever tasted Memphis water???? Shit’s delicious

  23. yourlilpissboi

    Lies. Home game and he didn’t even play.

  24. Balsamic_ducks

    Yeah but how many should it actually be according to that one guy on Reddit?

  25. wrowsey1

    u/admassive666 can we get a conformation for these on tape?

  26. Cul_what

    He really beat the scorekeeper allegations in the most “fuck you” way possible, r/nba nephews in shambles

  27. Memphis has excellent water. Just another reason the team plays so well at home

  28. Lmfao Reddit has to be the worst fucking “amateur sleuth” MFs on the internet. It really is a microcosm of how absolutely stupid and boneheaded people on the internet can be. Just say a bunch of words and provide “evidence”, and have very forceful allegations with a lot of conviction. The internet was a damn mistake

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