@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron just posted this on his Instagram story

LeBron just posted this on his Instagram story

by Such-Masterpiece-182


  1. ThatGuy2931

    Lol. LBJ just lost all respect for Tatum. Mf was acting like he just saved the game at the end there too. Celtics just as delusional as their fanbase

  2. AstroCoffee

    The fines are going to be crazy, AD, Bev and Schroder getting hit for sure but LeBron’s called the league out without actually saying much

  3. Hot_Pie1464

    Why is lebron so unintentionally funny😂😂😂

  4. CabbageStockExchange

    Lmao good shit. Fuck Tatum and his knockoff Kobe ass

  5. Vexationss

    That one hurt him a lot I’m shocked because of his storied career but shit it hurt me too

  6. thehanssassin

    F Jayson Tadumb and Celtics and the future generation of Smelltics.

  7. Aftermath16

    I’m confused…Why not use a still that actually shows the foul?

  8. WatermelonMan921

    You see how after the play this Bitch Boi Tatum was celebrating and putting his arms up? This dumbass Kobe Lite dude wearing a Kobe Celtics shirt, he’s a disgrace.

    Fuck Tatum, Fuck The Celtics, Fuck The Refs

  9. yvonnesnakedhusband

    Bev camera antics alone sold me in wanting to keep him.

  10. skrtskerskrt


    Bum Simmons next up

  11. PeteyPablo23

    One challenge per game is the dumbest shit ever

  12. lakerfan91

    Good he’s taking next game off. Dude needs a mental health day.

  13. ToxicShark3

    We have LeBron’s game 7 block at home

    The block at home:

  14. Tteokbokki1112

    Please be reminded that Tatum wore a Kobe-in-a-Celtics tshirt that night

  15. Nah this is funny as hell. Talk your shit King. Tatum had the audacity to smirk and play it off as good defense. Celtics fan taking this “win” when their franchise crumbles against the Warriors

  16. Extraordinary_DREB

    Why are there dumb people here. On the downvoted side? I don’t want to engage to them but the idiocy they carry makes my blood boil. Ofcourse everyone would be amped about this, not only Laker fans but OBJECTIVE fans of the game. Bad officiating leads to bad games, bad games leads to bad viewership, bad viewership can lead to issues in the NBA. Sure it fan be a stretch but it’s a domino effect. But sure, live your own agendas and be a bitch when there are important matters to address.

    Sports fans truly are dumb

  17. SurgicalNeckHumerus

    Talk your shit. I want him to stay petty so the league does something about this bullshit. I’m sure Adam silver doesn’t want arguably the face of the league and most recognized athlete on earth sarcastically criticizing the god awful refereeing

  18. hedokitali

    They should add it to NBA’S Top 10 plays

  19. Last year Jacyn Goble, that bum ass ref you can see there – had a foul differential of almost 6. That is 6th worst in the league. He called 6 more fouls for the home team than road teams. He called the late foul on pbev.

  20. sevinsixoh

    What is the point of the final two minute report? Useless unless it affected referee foul calls for the future. Example, performance evaluations of certain referees that are included in wrong play calling in these final reports to hold them accountable

  21. moongaia

    I like how he won’t let up, he fed up with this bullsh*t that’s been going on for more than 10 years now

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