@New York Knicks

Post Game Thread: The Los Angeles Lakers defeat The New York Knicks 129-123

#Los Angeles Lakers at New York Knicks

Madison Square Garden- New York, NY




|Time Clock|

|LAL |29|23|34|28|15|129|
|NYK |24|29|30|31|9|123|

###Player Stats

**Los Angeles Lakers**

|R. Hachimura|40:25|19|8-12|2-4|1-2|3|6|9|0|0|1|0|4|4
|L. James|42:56|28|11-25|2-8|4-7|1|9|10|11|1|0|5|2|22
|A. Davis|36:53|27|9-16|0-1|9-11|2|7|9|1|2|0|5|3|16
|T. Brown Jr.|34:10|9|3-8|2-6|1-1|2|3|5|3|0|0|1|2|-9
|D. Schroder|32:19|12|4-7|2-3|2-2|0|1|1|6|0|0|1|3|20
|R. Westbrook|36:13|17|7-13|1-4|2-5|3|3|6|8|3|0|1|4|-5
|T. Bryant|16:03|9|3-3|0-0|3-3|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|-10
|L. Walker IV|13:22|2|1-6|0-4|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|0|-10
|M. Christie|12:38|6|2-3|2-3|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|5|2

**New York Knicks**

|R. Barrett|27:14|13|5-13|0-3|3-4|0|3|3|2|0|0|1|3|-6
|J. Randle|43:01|23|6-19|2-9|9-11|2|10|12|5|0|0|4|4|-9
|J. Sims|13:03|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|1|2|3|1|1|1|0|4|-16
|J. Brunson|43:47|37|13-29|2-7|9-9|1|1|2|6|1|1|2|2|-7
|Q. Grimes|40:15|12|6-12|0-5|0-0|1|3|4|3|2|0|0|2|-9
|I. Quickley|38:31|19|6-12|2-6|5-6|1|2|3|8|1|0|1|2|3
|I. Hartenstein|39:57|16|7-10|0-1|2-2|7|6|13|1|0|0|0|5|10
|O. Toppin|9:58|3|1-2|1-2|0-0|0|5|5|0|0|0|1|2|3
|M. McBride|9:13|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|1
###Team Stats



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  1. Jimm120

    In overtime, we went 4 (or was it 5) straight plays to Randle. That’s where we lost the game.

    1st possession: 2 free throws. nice.
    2nd/3rd possessions: Misses.
    4th possession: turnover

    That was game. If the Brunson shot was a goaltending, it would have breathed some air into a comeback.


    But make no mistake, those 4 straight possessions were what put us in a loss. Add to that the last possession of the 4th, where Brunson should have had it for those 4.5 seconds instead of Randle…

  2. gustavomrb

    Julius single handedly lost us this game. Terrible performance, some DUMB decisions, turnovers and terrible defense on the last shot and OT.

    He HAS to get his head straight on these kind of games at home, come on.

  3. smallskeletal

    definitely got even year Randle in that OT

  4. shitboots

    unacceptably bad from RJ and Randle off two days rest. This was an eminently winnable game and they just never showed up. Hope Thibs chews them out. JB deserves better

  5. Winchu8

    Gotta love our 100 million dollar lottery pick getting benched in the 4th and overtime because he does nothing well.

  6. zOmgFishes

    People giving the Ringer shit for their analysis of Randle when this game showed it was fucking spot on. Good player but jesus he has some of the worst mental errors and they show up at the worst times.


    “Randle has two harshly contrasting modes, and the way that he toggles between them can cause the reaction to his game to violently flip-flop, from enthusiasm and excitement to malaise and frustration. That Jekyll and Hyde dynamic forces those who support him to live in a precarious balance. “

  7. Entire_Buddy_6934

    Julius should be last guy with the ball in his hands in that situation. He never knows what to do🤦🏾‍♂️

  8. DisplayAcrobatic

    Is Julius hijacking plays or is Thibs just calling these horrendous plays?

  9. Taboot_taboot

    That four shot possession in the 4th killed us. Knew it was over then

  10. Oprahapproves

    20% 3P shooting isn’t gonna do it

  11. NCBxx88

    Randle getting clamped in the post by Westbrook was when I knew the game was over.

    Also, on that Brunson goal tend that was turned over, didn’t the ball go out of bounds? How didn’t get get possession back there?

  12. dapoktan

    this team gonna play a lot of play in games for the next 5 years

  13. knickson

    I blame MSG. It’s sad but this stadium is a dam curse. And I don’t blame other teams. I get pumped just walking by it

  14. botebote77

    mavs fan here. was watching mostly because of JB. it looked to me like refs were babying the Lakers, probably because of the Celtics game. sorry for you all

  15. ZoidbergSaysWoop

    The Knicks need a coach that is a better play designer and can get more players involved so that Brunson isn’t worn out in the second half.

    It might be time to move on from Thibodeau and call Kenny Atkinson.

    What Atkinson did in New Jersey with Russell, LeVert, and Allen to propel that team and maximize it’s talent
    showed he knew how to get through to young guys.

  16. jett1406

    game was over when Hart was shooting 3s

  17. RJ-Burner

    Idk why thibs trusts randle so much in clutch hes our least clutch starter and he still went to him to take the final shot over our most clutch player who had 34 pts at the time this man is damn moron

  18. Cmacc73

    You’re telling me that call wasn’t goaltending? These refs gotta stick kissing up to Bron.

  19. TracksuitBilly

    Thibs really be calling timeouts just to write “Randle iso” on the clipboard

  20. ShMp11Nesis

    If it hasn’t been evident enough, thibs is really bad at 2 things that often decides games. Late game play calling and rotations.

  21. Knicks have had way too many games like this this season. Lakers are not a well-constructed team, yet they were able to waltz into the Garden and beat us in OT because of our own mistakes.

    Outside of Brunson, and Hartenstein giving a good effort, no one else really showed up for us tonight. Randle and RJ didn’t just have bad games, they had horrible games. Randle having 4 turnovers is very bad regardless of how well or poorly he shoots. I get that there’s games where he has to essentially do everything on offense, but he has too many games like this where he will try and do too much and turn a below average game of his into a very bad one.

    RJ was very bad for most of the game, but he seemed to get it together a bit before Thibs took him out of the game permanently in the 4th. It’s not a good look for the 3rd option of a team to be taken out of a close game with so much time left in the 4th. RJ needs to figure out his true place in this team in terms of role and how he can maximize himself within the offense.

    I thought the refs called a lot of soft fouls on us, but I’m surprised that the final total FTs and fouls for both teams were rather even. Thought the goaltend being reversed was questionable.

    Can someone explain to me why Obi is still here? Keeping him playing like 10-15 minutes a game at this point is doing nobody any favors. I get he’s not great, but an ultra-athletic forward who can run the floor played less than 10 minutes and consistently gets low minutes in his 3rd year? What the hell are we doing keeping him? Either find something for him or trade him to a place where he can get a shot.

    What really stinks about this loss is that if RJ and/or Randle had even below average games, we probably win this one rather handily. Brunson had to do everything tonight and we almost escaped. However, by the end, he and everyone else was gassed and couldn’t muster that last push. There have been games where Brunson and/or Randle go off, but not RJ. I don’t know if there’s been many games, if any, where Brunson, Randle, and RJ go off at the same time. At most we get 2, but too many times this year, it’s either Brunson or Randle going off and not really both or all 3.

    Us going 7-34 from three as a team this game is also why we lost. That possession at the end of regulation where we had like 4 chances to score and got nothing partially due to not moving the ball and settling for threes was incredibly aggravating to watch. Too many instances this year where it seems we shoot 3s for the sake of shooting them instead of organically getting them. I get that shooting more 3s was a theme going into this season, but when your 3s are from isos and stagnant offense, that’s not going to lead to success.

    That last play in regulation was god-awful. We know Thibs has his share of limitations and weaknesses, especially on offense, but his end of game play calling is by far his worst weakness outside of rotations. Brunson was going having just tied the game. Going to him for the last shot made sense. If he got the shot and missed it, it would have been what it was. The very fact that the ball went to the struggling Randle, who proceeded to drive into a double team consisting of Lebron and AD is mind numbingly dumb that I cannot begin to understand the logic. Someone has to grill Thibs on his mindset with that play call.

    Rant over. Knicks need to figure out ways to get JB, JR, and RJ going at the same time, or at least 2/3 consistently going at the same time. They also need to make a call on what happens with Obi. It makes no sense to keep him around at this point IMO.

  22. Why are we still going to Randle on the final possession? How many times do we need to see the same result?

  23. Living_Internet_2970

    I usually kill people who say trade Randle but if they did I wouldn’t cry over it. His IQ is soooo low. Stupidest player in the league.

    With the heat playing well and coming into the garden that’s a loss. Tyler hasn’t been hitting his threes but watch this cocksucker drain like 5 against us

  24. The combination of Thibs and Randle aren’t winning shit. One of them has to go for the next step in our rebuild. Thibs is far more easily replaceable then Randle.

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