@Utah Jazz

Fuck Dillon Brooks

Fuck Dillon Brooks

by Andrewski18


  1. MadAtTheGrammys

    Has Donovan ever been in a fight? Kinda cool to see him that amped. Fuck Dillon brooks

  2. DisneyVista

    That team sure talks a lot for a team that hasnā€™t accomplished anything major yet.

  3. pooker55

    Love how Donovan threw him down. Always knew Brooks was fake.

  4. ChaseBank5

    Probably the most obvious dick shot I’ve ever seen. And that includes all the Draymond Green incidents.

  5. MeLlamo_Mayor927

    Donovan is a G for that. Iā€™m surprised players donā€™t try to beat the shit out of Brooks more often. Heā€™s easily one of the dirtiest and most unlikeable players in the league.

  6. Potterhead-PottHead

    But like.. fuck Dillion brooks and the announcer that called Donavon the aggressor lol. When you get hit in the dick and go after someone and youā€™re the aggressorā€¦šŸ¤”

  7. Potterhead-PottHead

    When you get slapped intentionally in the dick by one of the biggest assholes in the NBA and the announcers call you the aggressor. šŸ˜

  8. Careless_Tear2058

    It’s about time someone tried to hit that motherfucker in the face. Dillon Brooks is an ass.

  9. InHocWePoke3486

    Fuck Dillon Brooks. Is this a 29 team fan club about now? Do Grizzly fans even like this off-brand Prince with a fucked up face?

  10. duderanchjuvenilia

    Bush league going for his balls. Fucking Dillon Brooks. Piece of shit.

  11. PolarBurrito


    Also, the WTF Reggie? Shot to the nuts wasnā€™t intentional? Thatā€™s bull shit. 100% premeditated and intentional. Tried to roll his ankle too.

    Don a hero to the rest of the league now, attaboy Don.

  12. HewHewLemon

    He likes to play a different ball game looks to me.

  13. ngmatt21

    Donovan finally did what weā€™ve all wanted to do for years

  14. GreenBPacker

    Pour one out for Spida for doing what the entirety of the league and the fan base have wanted to do for years.

  15. mightyrj

    Visiting from the r/Lakers sub as I saw this post was on my feed and I would like to contribute a ā€œFuck Dillon Brooksā€ as well.

    Congrats to Lauri making it to the ASG, well deserved.

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