@Oklahoma City Thunder

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  1. CyborgAlgoInvestor

    This actually goes pretty hard.

    Not sure how the other 85% of the fan base thinks tho. Lol

  2. ivspodcast

    We can’t afford to bring him back at all tbh

  3. OkBarber6

    He’s been praising the organization at every level recently, I’m honestly down to bring snake back

  4. AaronRodgersToe

    I am down to be a massive hypocrite and pull out my KD jersey. Don’t know bout y’all

  5. A_A_Smoot

    This won’t happen. The Nets asked for 2 all star AND picks when when KD asked out this summer. As much as we love these players…WE DON’T HAVE 2 ALL STARS

    Plus…KD is older than every player on our roster

  6. Any-Balance-3783

    The vibes would be crazy and everybody know it

  7. Kodak_Snowshoe

    If KD goes back to the Thunder, I’m sold, officially a Thunder fan

  8. roastedhambone

    It’s literally impossible cap wise without trading Shai. Not gonna happen

  9. G2Gankos

    We’d probably lose Giddey or JDub or both. Not worth in my opinion.

  10. Total-Collection9031

    KD’s burner account is back at it again. 👀

  11. sleepypanda79

    We’ve come so far as a team and y’all really wanna fuck up the culture and go back to iso ball so he can choke for the nth time on us… Cmon man. These youngins got the recipe, don’t need no cupcake, just time.

  12. MakeCocktailsNotWar

    Zero desire to trade anything for him.

    If he comes back in FA? Sure, I guess.

    Still a 🧁🐍

  13. Why has this dude still allowed to post here. All he posts is stuff that he knows will get people arguing and downvoting. This is like the fifth one of this exact format.

  14. Pjordat35

    Will not happen now. Won’t happen later. The money and the fit to progression does not fit. We’d have to give up too much for him and completely dismantles what they are trying to do with the team. That’s a win now move when we are trying to build a base for the future.

    Bad move in my eyes.

  15. AvonBarksdale06

    We found Durants burner Reddit account 😉

  16. No_Armadillo_3491

    im man enough to admit if KD came home i’d need to change my pants

  17. BigBonesMilk

    Would KD be good for the development of Ousmane who said he models his play off him. Or for Chet who is a similar build as KD.

  18. BonutUnchained

    Hell NO! Fuck KD I’ll never forgive that rat bastrd

  19. redditaccount-5

    Mavs fan here

    Y’all would be so much better off without kd, dude is locker room cancer. Left once, and demanded a trade from his team this year, why wouldn’t he do it again to go join some superteam somewhere else?

    Y’all have picks, solid young talent, a lot of trade possibilities. Add a solid center, healthy Chet, shai leading the squad and the roll palyers you have, y’all will be back as contenders soon

  20. People in this thread pretending like they don’t want a top 5 player in the league on their team. LOL.

    Yes I was a fan when he left.

  21. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, however stupid. Now go back to paying attention to your fifth grade teacher and get off reddit.

  22. Current-Case-3967

    Giddey, Shai, KD, Chet, and Wemby. Name a better starting 5

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