@Miami Heat

Kyrie on the Heat

Kyrie on the Heat

by DataAchieved


  1. jagerhero

    Kyrie is not worth the drama. I’d rather miss the playoffs than rent a antisemitic, flat earth truther who has burned two franchises in a row.

  2. Gavster1221

    Lmao I will hate it. But with how we have played just makes no sense to pass if it costs like Lowry + ONE asset. Gotta get it

  3. BiscayneBeast

    Brooklyn would take Lowry right? I mean if take Kyrie on a rental 💯 because our biggest problem is disappearing offense. Trade Duncan & Dedmon for a big and we are Gucci.

  4. julstar23

    Now if kyrie didn’t just post more anto Vax stuff then probably but arison isn’t seeing what he just posted and signing off on that .Kyrie is a talented player but kyrie get in kyrie’s own way .Teams are afraid to go after him not because he isn’t good because he really is but it’s because of things like asking out of a good team in the middle of a season that has teams pondering what to do .Kyrie is talented but he’s as flaky as they come .

  5. skinny_19

    I’m Miami fan from Brazil and I’m not watching NBA often in this season. Is this trade possible? I’d love see kyrie on heat.

  6. bl00df1redeath

    He’ll be a great addition for the four games he will play before he’s suspended for whatever reason.

  7. MildlyDepressed346

    If you consider yourself a heat fan and actually want to see them win, this is the only potential move I’ve seen this season that actually makes a championship a possibility

  8. Several_Ranger6985

    Fuck what all of you soyboy losers have to say about Kyrie. I don’t give a shit that he hurt your feelings. I wanna win. You bring Kyrie here and pair him with Jimmy + Bam and we’re going back to back

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