@Philadelphia 76ers

Bring him home.

Please Daryl

by tkWL27


  1. nianggang

    No thanks we already got (bang bang (the minivan)) Georges Niang

  2. ItsLeJiMan

    I don’t think he fits this team that well, he’d be taking Shake’s minutes and our defense would be even worse. That being said he’d get some pretty good looks playing next to Harden so that’d be fun.

  3. sghostr417

    I’d love him back but more guards is not what this team needs man

  4. tw3rkmileytw3rk

    Yea some of the sub is delusional. OUR 4 GUARD ROTATION IS SET, IF HE WAS A FORMER SIXER IN THE EMBIID ERA AND HE ISNT NOW, THERE IS GOOD REASON FOR IT. Exceptions to 7 minute sixer mikal bridges and nerlens noel. We gotta kill these nostalgia boners y’all be going above just liking a player, Seth is cool but please keep him away from this team we have more than enough capable shooters

  5. cydetrack

    Miss curry as a sixer but he is good with the nets.


  6. camscars775

    Just one wing man please, preferably one that can jump for a rebound 🥲

  7. meanlesbian


    Disagree but ty for the excuse to use this

  8. averagebensimmons

    I really enjoyed watching Seth as a Sixer, but that chapter is over. No room on the roster for this Curry. Drummond on the other hand would be a great as the backup C again.

  9. PensiveinNJ

    I love Seth but get me Drummond. He’s the real one we need to get back. We got backup scorers now.

  10. GeekyNerd_FTW

    Seth was great but we’ve got no reason to play him over Harden, Maxey, Milton, or Melton.

  11. TurdCrapley23

    I like Seth, but he does nothing for this team. We need a lengthy athletic wing and a backup center. That’s it.

  12. Badtrip9817

    My heart says yes but my head says it’s Andre we need to bring back right now.

  13. thegodfatherderecho

    Yes. Bring back Seth and Drummond

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