@New York Knicks

Clyde has had enough

Clyde has had enough

by South_Helicopter9239


  1. HokageEzio

    This seems like one of those fake meme quotes you’d see on Twitter, except it’s real.

  2. 53700913

    I’ve always felt that RJ always takes a step or 2 before doing ANYTHING on defense or offense. He can’t just move right away—he has to plant his feet to get “set” but thats when he gets beat (on defense) and when he gets closed out on (on offense).

    So frustrating.

  3. Pay-Green

    RJ stans about to cook Clyde.

    So Ill be waiting in the comments when it happens

  4. SteelCurtain0118

    I’m an RJ guy, but the eye test alone says he’s lost a half step or so on both ends. I’m not smart enough to know exactly why- extra muscle mass, poor footwork, bad angles, a combination of a bunch of things- who knows. But he’s definitely not as quick and he’s never been known for being a great athlete.

    That said, his rating has plummeted since Mitchell Robinson has been out. Mitch makes everyone better and the last couple weeks have proven how invaluable he is to this team. He’s the NBA equivalent of Flex Tape.

  5. MJisthrgoat

    Tell RJ to put the weed down, his reaction time too slow. MF high AF every game

  6. FTR_Hair

    Clyde is not the only one who has had enough. Dude gets paid, and does absolutely nothing to improve. He’s going to cost us better young players (IQ/Grimes). When is this contract over?

  7. Mobius24

    Clyde is being brutally honest but he’s right. now watch RJ stans turn on the legend

  8. He’s a hyped up Shaun Livingston. 7-8th man. For some reason we have him more than $12mil/yr

  9. Yankeeknickfan

    Damn now the “cult of Rj” is going to hate Clyde

  10. Savagevandal85

    Where was any of this for Jules last year ? Clearly thr Knicks are bashing RJ so trade him . I’m a rj fan but this FO isn’t interested in developing him

  11. Was a -20 tonight also, team high. Dude is the reason we lost straight up tonight

  12. Lyin-Don

    I’m an RJ fan but it is what it is.

    Not that anyone is trying to argue it, but just in case…

    He’s tied for worst defensive rating with Brunson and (surprisingly) Grimes but he has far and away the worst DBPM at -1.8.

    Clyde saying he wished they had advanced stats back in the day so he could “shut up Holtzman” was classic.

    Almost as good as cracking himself up over the trivia question when he said it couldn’t be Barnett because he didn’t pass lmao

  13. I can’t wait for the people to say, “Clyde doesn’t know basketball” . If Clyde said it, then it is 100% a fact now.

  14. severinks

    Clyde is the only guy on MSG who could get away with that anyone else who said anything that would be fired/If Hahn or Wally said that you’d see 2 big arms grabbing one of them from offscreen and yanking them right out of there

  15. Coincidentally his defense fell off a cliff once he signed the big contract. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who $$ is going to affect. I wouldn’t have pegged RJ as a player who would do that, but he just doesn’t play with the same intensity or focus on the defensive end. And his offense doesn’t come close to making up for it.

  16. York_Villain

    Lmao damn homie you took your time with this n everything.

  17. papa8706

    Part of fixing your problems is accepting that RJ is the problem.

  18. Why do Knick fans always have to have someone to hate on? Damn, we’ve become the most self-destructive fanbase in the league. Randle last year, IQ in the beginning of this year, then Hart, now RJ. At this point, I don’t even blame anyone for not wanting to come here. The team’s actually playing pretty good now. What’s with all the hate? Not talking about the post or Clyde but more about a lot of the comments. There are a lot of over the line disrespectful comments. RJ’s a good player who’s having a bad defensive stretch for whatever reason. There’s no reason to completely trash him the way some Knick fans are. Chill out.

  19. Legitimate-Cupcake26

    I think his problem is he doesnt sweat. It’s wild. He dry af.

  20. RobotPoo

    I am losing faith that RJ will ever be a homegrown all-star. I think that’s Gonna be Grimes now. RJ is still very young, but I’m not seeing progress, either.

  21. JayD0za21

    Sadly, RJ is not quick enough to keep up with legit 2’s and not big enough to hang with elite wings. Sadly, this will go on as the season unfolds. I don’t expect and immediate change but hopefully he does work to get better little by little. Being our worst defender isn’t helping at all

  22. VenConmigo

    I know the man got a nice extension. Just feels like he’s coasting right now.

  23. jjazznola

    I don’t need to see any stats. He got his contact and decided not to play as hard.

  24. The_Notorious_Donut

    Dang RJ haters in full force today

  25. nofapbbby

    Yeah I thought to myself wow imagine RJ hearing that from the court

  26. Clyde’s the Knicks goat yall love it or leave it

  27. Imagine how bad you have to be before MSG announcers actually point it out

  28. MellowPerth

    I am thinking that Brunson’s game is such a lift for the team as a whole that RJ’s game just comes up flat against the play of Brunson and Randall. I watch most of the games I am seeing little improvements, but at the same time, I see him flat footed and his shot is very ehhhh. There is a lack of man intensity, being when he does show some, its more childish like more than maybe someone like, Quickly. I just don’t get it, even Grimes shows more real intesity than the sour look and manchild I just got caught going into the cookie jar looks he gives. I don’t dislike him at all, I think he has some abilty to grow into a great BB player, but he just seems to me holding back in all areas of his game, and to me, that is a mental issue. There is game mad, which is something I have witnessed over the years with MJ, Bryant, Randall, Ewing, Oakley and others. It’s a swagger of not crossing a line but take it to another level, using being mad as a basis of rising up. RJ is not even close to doing this, and that is what is holding him back. He has to tools but has not let that natural emotion take him to another level. Hart shows it lately, he really is getting into the heat of the game and showing emotion and using it to do a bit better.

  29. bailaoban

    RJ needs to start hearing some of the boos that Randle heard last year.

  30. Shit like this is so fucking stupid. I swear half the people in this sub want every good thing this team has done gone so we can tank. If you want to go back to disgustingly bad mid 2000s ball where the best thing happening for us was stephon Marburg having an ok game or David Lee being slightly above average you’re an idiot. This team is not perfect but how bout trying to support a team and a young player for once who’s helping make us semi-relevant over riding the carousel of which player needs to get traded this week.

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