@Minnesota Timberwolves

Cool pass from Dlo to Gobert

Cool pass from Dlo to Gobert

by Joeyfingis


  1. CantaloupeCamper

    It was cool.

    Although I admit I’m kinda allergic to silly passes from DLO. But this was probably the game to make silly passes so it’s good.

  2. superfrodies

    remember being taught this when i was growing up playing basketball – wiz it right by the guys ear and it’s nearly impossible for them to deflect…just don’t drill them in the face.

  3. Minute-Decent

    Rudy had some aggressive dunks tonight. I was a fan

    Hope he keeps doing that instead of laying it up. Apparently Ant and KAT have challenged him to dunk more aggressively based on an earlier Jon K article

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