@Chicago Bulls

Why not tell Reddit?

Why not tell Reddit?

by SirKJT


  1. Ciggy_snacks

    I didn’t watch. Was it an homage to bulls legend Denzel Valentine’s shot?

  2. Senorsty

    If you watch the whole clip, it starts with a JJJ block on Vuc that Amin thinks should be goaltending, so it’s a (pretty clunky) reference to the home scoring “scandal.”

  3. Carlos_Boozer1

    I’m guessing Zach made this particular shot so it makes up for AKME mortgaging our entire future for 1 playoff win.

  4. trubiskywetrust

    Probably a reference to us being critical and kinda pissy. Which, hey man… if the shoe fits…

  5. plsdaddystopit23

    So I am not crazy? I saw a three right on the line called a two that didn’t get changed followed by a deep three called a two? Nothing ever got questioned

  6. donnybaby97

    A deep 3 that Zach never gets props for on this reddit? Don’t worry some of us watch the games

  7. On a night where Lavine could step up and show he could be ‘the guy’, he has a lackluster game and disappoints at the FT line. Yes, Memphis is clearly better…but the final result shows the Bulls have to try something new.

  8. MakeEmLeak

    There was a 3 that ja took and made that I swore was a 2 but they counted a 3 as well

  9. RobinChilliams

    u/nbcschicago care to elaborate on that?

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