@Los Angeles Lakers

[Beverly] 💜💛 thanks for the Love. Was a pleasure 2 represent the Lakers in any type of Way. Thanks Rob, Thanks Coach Ham and Entire Lakers organization for everything. Finish Strong GANG❤️

[Beverly] 💜💛 thanks for the Love. Was a pleasure 2 represent the Lakers in any type of Way. Thanks Rob, Thanks Coach Ham and Entire Lakers organization for everything. Finish Strong GANG❤️

by daftmunt


  1. notcarsonhill

    hope he can take another play-in team to the promised land

  2. IskaralPustFanClub

    Bev is still one of my favorites. You can debate his effectiveness on the court. But no doubt his teammates valued and trusted him. The dude is a top tier teammate.

  3. slicknick2k

    I liked Bev here but he was forced to play out of position far too many times. Best of luck

  4. BigUps16

    They had to get rid of this dude simply because of their coach lol.

  5. swampcreature511

    Thought I would never say this but I’m going to miss that dude haha.

  6. Bahamut727

    If we had a better constructed roster from the start, Bevs impact would have been even more noticeable. We should have kept him for locker room/bench presence but his salary was tradeable

  7. DJBliskOne

    Pat Bev is what we wanted Westbrook to be

  8. Pat bev will forever be immortalized as a laker with the camera picture.

    Its true though, when he’s on your team, you learn to like him. At least for me and many other laker fans. Just please don’t go the clippers.

  9. Wasn’t a fan before… saw him mostly as a loud mouthed clown, but grew to be a fan. He’s clearly intelligent, passionate, fearless, and a good teammate, so give him mad props for that!

  10. Ryan_Reay

    The biggest compliment I can give him is that he has made me a fan for life. Not something I ever expected to say about Pat Bev.

  11. Schlaffondeck

    Love this guy and wish we could have kept him, but there’s no PT with Russel, Dennis, Reaves and Beasley there.

  12. Nothing but respect for Bev. From all accounts, always seemed like a good teammate.

  13. XxNoKnifexX

    He was great and played pretty well after the first month.

  14. Respect to a guy I previously really disliked… good luck to PatBev… once a Laker…

  15. Eagle20_Fox2

    Kind of surprise he went and not Lonnie. Bev was playing well.

  16. No-Equipment-20


    Me after years of hating Pat Bev

  17. ablackcloudupahead

    Crazy how true it is that you hate pat bev on other teams but love him on yours

  18. MySlimeSeason

    Me two years ago would have slapped me for saying this, but I hope he finds his way back here

  19. myzticaznfool

    He gave us one of the greatest technical foul of all time. That’s his legacy

  20. keepgrindingact

    Bev was a good defender and locker room guy. He was really getting into a groove with his shooting after a terrible start to the season. However, ham screwed him by making him guard 6’8 guys and bev got cooked. He was fine on guards like Lillard. We had to save ham from himself and trade bev unfortunately. Wish nothing for the best for him.

  21. I really went from hating Beverley to loving him in a year, crazy

  22. omarciddo

    Ack, my heart. I really did come to love PBev. Would be happy to have him back again.

  23. expodrip

    That finish strong gang hits different. I feel like Bev wanted to be here. Imma miss him fs.

  24. I was never a fan, but appreciated his effort. As long as he doesn’t end up back with the clips, I wish him well.

  25. Zammy512

    This dude won me over. Couldn’t stand him but knew he was one of those players you love on your team. Ultimate teammate. Much respect Bev. Sorry the roster construction had you guarding dudes way bigger than you.

  26. haedskey

    I hated Bev before, but became a huge fan when on our Lakers. I didn’t want him traded, but it is what it is, Thanks Pat Bev.

  27. Apollo611

    I can’t believe he went from my most hated player to someone I’m gonna miss. He really was a great teammate, played hard, and gave us countless memes. Wish nothing but the best for him.

  28. sometimes_shy

    Didn’t think I’d find myself saying this about patbev, but hmm, what a class act…

  29. thunderlolo123


  30. I miss him already

    Added to a massively long list of traded players I miss

  31. ramalytics

    Wish he could be part of the bench mob for the rest of the season. A real one for sure. Happy trails, Bev 💜💛

  32. McTruffleToucher

    Please come back, Bev.

    Also, if anyone knows how to get his technical foul with the camera emblazoned on a shirt, please let me know.

  33. LordBri14

    I hope we bring him back in the off season as a vet min. We need his energy on the team. Good shit pat bev

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