@National Basketball Association

[The Athletic] Payton, according to sources, had been playing through pain in Portland. Sources added that the Blazers training staff had been pushing him to gut through it, giving him Toradol shots. This had not been relayed to the Warriors during the negotiation process.

>This was a surprise revelation to the Warriors during the intake process. There have been behind the scenes discussions on Friday about the possibility of amendments to the trade — or fully reversal of the deal. The amount of parties involved (four teams, four players) complicates matters.

>Payton, according to sources, had been playing through pain in Portland. Sources added that the Blazers training staff had been pushing him to gut through it, giving him Toradol shots. This had not been relayed to the Warriors during the negotiation process.

by RimRunningRagged


  1. primocheese1947

    Pretty messed up to do that to him and not tell the team that’s trading for him. Damn. He just pulled a Luke from Friday Night Lights.

  2. robinThicc9

    wtf this is so bad. No wonder he hated playing there.

  3. BadBoySwag

    If you’re the warriors you almost wanna just take him to protect him lmao

  4. PrinceAlli

    Yikes…Portland with their history of all teams

  5. Hojie_Kadenth

    They’re making him play drug-assisted? What a joke.

  6. You have some teams managing players so they don’t get injured, you have others pushing players to play hurt.

  7. KaiserKaiba

    That’s legit wild to read. Genuinely a joke of a franchise Blazers are if this is true

  8. OldOrder

    Portland passively fucking over the Hawks by treating their players like shit

  9. Man they really don’t deserve Dame’s loyalty, wtf is this.

  10. McWhorter44

    this is how billionaires treat millionaires. Wonder how they treat min wage workers 🧐

  11. biggoldgoblin

    Blazers training staff thought this was the NFL

  12. MinorThreatCJB

    What fucking idiots. They deserve to lose their jobs

  13. Bruh no team is going to want to trade with portland again lol

  14. YoungSuplex

    More fuel for the raging trash fire in r/ripcity !

  15. IsThisMe8

    GP2 said he wasn’t ready and they didn’t care. No wonder he wanted to leave.

  16. sleepyfox1312

    Blazers are a trash org for this. I also hope the league serves them some sort of punishment for negotiating in bad faith.

  17. ImTheBestNerd

    I was told he was a piece of crap and faking an injury, blazers medical staff is a joke

  18. Turk0luu

    This is terrible. Magic fans give our medical staff so much shit for the long timelines our guys sit out when they are injured, but to me that points to them doing their job correctly.

  19. Jenkinsd08

    That seems like the kind of thing that– in tandem with trading him and not communicating it to GSW– should be punished at the league level and pretty harshly at that

  20. BuckSleezy

    Can’t say I liked reading that.

    Cmon let’s roll some heads on that staff if that’s the case.

  21. Frigidevil

    From 11 years ago, [Portland Trail Blazers Basketball: Is the Training Staff the Worst in the NBA?

    >In the past four years, Greg Oden and Brandon Roy have each had at least three knee surgeries. Joel Pryzbilla had two knee surgeries. Jeff Pendergraph had one while he was still a member of the Blazers. And Elliot Williams had one last season.

    >If you are counting, that’s 10 major knee injuries and no less than eight of them can be considered non-contact (or minimal-contact) injuries.

    >In comparison, the University of Oregon Football team, which has more than 100 players, playing in a vicious, tackling sport, has only had about 10 major knee injuries in the same amount of time.

    Notable that [they changed their whole training staff the following year]( and a decade later we see similar problems. Something stinks here.

  22. milesbutnerdy

    Bro. I get toradol shots post brain surgery to deal with muscle spasms when they’re at their worst.

    why the fuck are they hiding this important ass shit? Why are they not letting him get the rest and treatment he needs????

  23. RealPunyParker

    Warriors about to keep Payton and get picks back lol

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