@Phoenix Suns

These jerseys need to come back

These jerseys need to come back

by djtrey420


  1. nemocarrasco007

    Ugh, I agree. If we are to believe that Twitter that posts about future jerseys then we won’t be getting them next year either 😢

  2. drunkbackpacker

    I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t care for them

  3. Ucantknowit

    I think our city jerseys next year are gonna be kinda like those, but with Los Suns instead of the valley, that’s my guess

  4. quizzlemanizzle

    I hope we get the city jersey that they scrapped before the season with all the tribal signs etc

  5. Banffoil

    When they first were released, I did not like them at all. Then I got to a game and saw them live. They are Def one of my fave sports jerseys now.

  6. ElSalvadorGrande

    I dont know I kind of like that those represent the team that went to the finals. We are in a new era now.

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