@Houston Rockets

[Paulo] John Lucas’ twitter latest like is… “Some say tanking masterclass, I say coaching incompetence.” Yikes. #Rockets

[Paulo] John Lucas’ twitter latest like is… “Some say tanking masterclass, I say coaching incompetence.” Yikes. #Rockets

by _ProdiG_


  1. KoriJenkins

    I can’t wait for the media shitstorm that comes when we fire Silas.

    “Oh the evil Rockets, trying to blame their bad season on Silas when the team is in a rebuild, how dare they!”

    It’ll be just like the Lovie Smith drama.

  2. WasAbhi0214

    I’m not sure if he’s the answer, but I’m sure John Lucas would operate this tank better. Seems to hold players much more accountable, regardless of result. Also always demanding effort which is what some of this team really needs

  3. guapmuffin

    Nothing against Silas, nice guy. But it’s time to turn the page

    Ready to welcome new coach with open arms

  4. AtxSaiyan

    Watching Silas try to be angry in that one post game was hard to watch lol

  5. Lucas is also among the staff and is probably taking responsibility for that as well. They all seem to have some pull over there and at the end of the day every coach is going to be gone once Silas gets fired.

    Lucas is just one of those who will take the L and move on to other things.

  6. checkthamethod

    Some of yall act like Lucas isn’t on that same coaching staff lol

  7. nonetimeaccount

    Jesus. Not really cool to be out in public like that but I trust Lucas more than anyone in the org so if he’s just coming out with it like this shit must be reeeeeal bad.

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