@Philadelphia 76ers

Matisse subtly expresses the comfort and freedom of being out from under Glenn. May all Sixers players and fans someday share in the experience.

Matisse subtly expresses the comfort and freedom of being out from under Glenn. May all Sixers players and fans someday share in the experience.

by Altruistic_Fun3091


  1. Theballharperhit

    no shit. Hes a young player. I am not a thyb guy but doc is the issue here and will continue to be. I dont care if we win 25 in a row.

  2. thebobbyshaw33

    I don’t think this is a shot at the players because I’m pretty sure he’s on record saying the guys always had his back and told him to keep shooting.

  3. theducksmuggler363

    He wasn’t a starter here and when given in the opportunity of 20+ MPG he didn’t excel at the level we needed him to on both ends of the court+rebounding. He was given a very very very specific role as a gadget defender for certain athletic wings but mostly as the top of 2-3 zone. He also played on the court where at all times he was usually 4/5th option on offense, and he just didn’t excel…

    Also last night 30 minutes, 2 points 1-4 shooting, 1 rebound, 1 assist, 0-3 from 3, 4 fouls, in a blowout….but strange no thread about how shitty he played. 🤷‍♂️

  4. EndAnyone

    Doc isn’t perfect, far from, but Thybulle had chances to improve and make himself valuable to the team. He was a starter last year. Didn’t really add to his offensive game and didn’t do what was needed for the team in the playoffs last year. Seems like a nice guy though. I wish him well. Time to move on.

  5. olms1988

    Doc sucks. Thybulle is never gonna be worth the contract he probably gets, but I thought he was improving his shots and supplied defense. His 3s were falling this year and moved to get the slams. Not a horrible complement to Harden. But yeah the last couple years he hasn’t improved on offence other then this year. So I understand the trade, but doc sets up young players for failure. Fuck rivers. Fuck non adjustments in game, fuck his old player mentality, fuck his dumb staggering of players and so on.

    Good luck to Thybulle, and let’s hope McDaniels shows up and out performs what Thybulle gave the team. Morey hit on Melton, this could be the same. He has looked alright so far.

  6. thegodfatherderecho

    Matisse was here for, how many years? Played under Brett Brown and then Doc. We know what he is and his ceiling and floor is well defined. It was time for him to go.

  7. Pressure busts pipes. Sounds like he’s more comfortable on a lottery team than a title contender…🤷🏻

  8. von_d_von

    I still support Matisse even after being traded but c’mon. He only scored 2 pts last night. Let’s not act like he’s offensive game was being hampered by doc. He’s gotten better but still so far

  9. corporatehuman

    Yeah no. I’m glad he’s happy but this narrative is getting trite. I’m not a Doc stan, but Matisse had his opportunities here. He just scored 2 points in the loss to the Wizards.

  10. mrHartnabrig

    He’s basically saying that Doc had the auxiliary talent on a short leash. As soon as a secondary guy starts doing something Doc doesn’t like, he’s in the dog house.

    We’ve seen spurts where Reed wouldn’t play for weeks. Korkmaz, a good player in my opinion, continues to ride the bench.

    I’m not reactionary as most fans when I see former Sixers like Isiah Joe, Bassey, and Thybulle excel. I just think there’s still some of that bad juju within that organization leftover. And usually the coach is the first to get the blame.

    With all that being said, Sam Cassell should be getting his suit pressed. The Sixers wanted to bring in a coach with championship pedigree. Guess what, Sam has three rings.

  11. knights816

    Philly is a tough city to play in and playing for a team with high expectations here is even harder. I hope Matisse goes on to become a Blazer legend but I think like Markelle, this wasn’t the situation for the type of player and maybe even person he is to blossom into what he looks like he might have the potential to be

  12. annoyinconquerer

    Matisse’s best defensive year was under Brett with Ben Simmons guarding #1s and him taking the 2nd best player or any short shifty guards where he can use his length

    Love him but Tisse is a free safety not a shutdown corner

  13. cactusmask

    A lot of this seems like boilerplate, happy to be here, type responses. I hope he does well, always seemed like a good guy apart from the weird vax stance. And it’s an excuse to watch the occasional portland game. I feel like everyone wins.

  14. thisjawnhere

    I agree with most of what he said, but cmon man. Everyone was encouraging you to shoot open shots in Philly and annoyed you didn’t.

  15. bballin773

    Man had some of the most wide open 3s in the history of the NBA when he was here. What’s the point of being a 3 and D wing who can’t space the floor? Do you want Doc to hold his hand while he’s shooting 3s? Do you want Doc to give him a hug if he misses a 3 and promise to sing a lullaby? The obsession on blaming every single wide open 3 being bricked on Doc is hilarious.

  16. ShinyHardcore

    Tbh all players say similar things after being traded because in their mind the team that traded for them really wanted them and needed them as opposed to the team that shipped them out. In reality we wish he gave us what we wanted

  17. Nid0k1ng

    Doc deserves criticism for many things but not this. Matisse was given every opportunity to show he could contribute offensively and he came up short time and time again. Not to mention he let the team down in the playoffs with the vaccine shit. Rooting for Matisse to succeed but I don’t miss him on this team.

    Blazers fans will come to learn that his elite talent and effort on defense don’t outweigh his lack of sustained offensive contribution.

  18. Yiggity_Yins

    “Glenn wanted me to get vaccinated! 😫 It felt very uncomfortable!”

  19. B_R_Lynn

    How’d game 2 go? Must not have felt a free or comfortable. Loved Matisse in Philly, but cmon, he had lots of opportunities and never developed

  20. B_R_Lynn

    Everybody upset about Joe, Bassey, and now Thybulle. Of course they’re gonna produce on shit teams. If Furkan would find his way to Detroit and hits a bunch of threes, are we doing the same thing? The Bassey one frustrates me only because we had a need for backup Center and instead chose to spend a lot more money on Trez

  21. darylraspberry

    everybody…matisse was unplayable in the playoffs last year and generally has been unplayable against good teams for a while. last year when we beat the bucks when harden was still on the bench, replacing tisse with furkan korkmaz of all people after the half UNLEASHED our offense and we destroyed them in the second half. I’m not going to get mad at Doc for realizing the fact that he can’t play in the playoffs so let’s play people who might be able to. Now, why he hasn’t taken that same angle with Trez and DAJ, that is relatively unforgivable. So tisse can be as happy as a clam freelancing on the defensive end while on a 10 or 11 seed

  22. nickenglish94

    I support anything even partially insulting to Doc – but let’s play this clip again when his shooting regresses to his average

  23. BrokenManOfSamarkand

    I like Matisse, but the thing is…he’s just not that good at basketball

  24. AdamFeigs

    He’s a smart and insightful kid and I’ll miss him. He was unfairly chastised here for the vaccine stuff and demonized as though nothing about his time here up to that point mattered.

    And behind the scenes it wouldn’t surprise me whatsoever if Doc had no idea how to utilize him because well – it’s Doc.

  25. UKwannabe

    This will probably be incredibly controversial, but I think there’s something else he’s hinting at besides Doc here. The way the Sixers run their offense is exclusively through Harden and Embiid now. Basically no one gets a chance to participate unless it’s a screen and dive, or they get a kick out and are expected to pull.

    Even Tobi has had like 0 of his patent iso back down possessions this season. Our offense is pretty rigid and relied heavily on our two stars holding the ball, leaving little room for anyone else. I can get why being told stand in the corner and wait isn’t exactly freeing.

  26. SendNubes__

    The revisionist history here is absurd.

    I genuinely wonder what people see when they watch basketball.

  27. jocar101

    Yet another reason why I swore off watching Sixers games until we’re free from Glenn

  28. 215WinterTown

    Revisionist history. Dude they put you in the corner and gave you the freedom to shoot. You didn’t. I think it’s the Philly pressure of being a contender vs being on a non contender.

  29. akopicki

    Imagine the first breath everyone takes after Glenn Rivers is no longer our head coach

  30. justabill71

    He had 2 points in 30 minutes last night.

  31. SockDry1392

    Doc is a trash coach. Thybulle is a trash offensive player whose defense isn’t good enough to make him worth playing big minutes. Wishing him the best but he’s not the player to argue about development. We gave him everything, Low expectations (just hit open 3s decently), we gave him starts, gave him playoff experience. We pretty much gave him the full rundown of nba development.

  32. He literally reverted to Philly Matisse in 1 game with his stat line last night. I’m sorry, but he was given every chance to succeed here. Prior to this year, he got significant minutes and even started for while. He hasn’t developed at all and it was time for a break. Also, being comfortable on a .500 team fighting for the the play-in is a lot different than the expectations for a top 5 team. I wish him the best and hope he can put together a nice career, but it was time to go.

    Also, for everyone in the “we don’t do enough to develop our young players!” crowed, you’re allowed to have that opimion. What you can’t do is have that opinion and also be in the “let’s fire Doc and promote Sam Cassell to HC!” crew. He’s quite literally in charge of player development, so any failure in player development is primarily his fault. You can pick one stance, but not both.

  33. JokersRWildStudios

    The problem lies with doc and player development. The player development angle is in part because the only two guys who improved leaps and bounds had their own trainers (Embiid and Maxey). Everyone else that was homegrown struggled but most got better after they left. That’s an indictment on player development since Brett got fired. And it doesn’t help that doc is a moron who only plays vets.

  34. Nolashyper13

    dude had 2 points last night get off his dick LMAO

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