@Chicago Bulls

Happy Birthday Coby White!

Happy Birthday Coby White!

by Dannyzavage


  1. Letā€™s make this a Coby White appreciation post. Because heā€™s been one of the only ones showing any kind of heart, and development. Iā€™m proud of the player heā€™s become and know he can become even better.

    Should we blow it up, heā€™s someone I would love to keep.

  2. YoHoochIsCrazy

    I love Coby heā€™s improved every facet of his game and he just plays the right way. Heā€™s the type of guy I really hope we keep, but deserves go get paid and play significant minutes somewhere

  3. Bradlas3

    Probably going to be another guy that we get rid of that improves with a new team

  4. Pls keep Coby šŸ™šŸ™ happy bday sub zero

  5. hankbaumbach

    Dalen Terry (20)

    Patrick Williams (21)

    Ayo Donsunmu (23)

    Coby White (23)

    If we strip it down to the foundation this Summer these should be the players we keep while amassing picks.

  6. SaadFather

    Honestly, this guy along with Ayo and Pat and aren’t winning us a championship let alone a play-in. I’m so tired of these try-hards (with development upside)

  7. kingjuicepouch

    Happy birthday Coby, one of my favorite players to watch this year

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